Election Coverage from MPR

Longtime Minnesota Rep. Jim Ramstad's retirement means Republicans and Democrats will be gearing up for a battle to win the open seat in Minnesota's 3rd District. (Midmorning, 09/18/2007)
After years of commuting from Minnesota to Washington, Ramstad acknowledged, "I'm burned out. I'm tired. I still have the passion for policymaking, I still have the passion for politics. But I want to be home." (09/17/2007)
The 2008 Republican National Convention is now less than a year away and preparations are gearing up throughout the Twin Cities. (09/16/2007)
Charlie Cook of the Cook Political Report sizes up the 2008 presidential candidates in a speech to the City Club Forum of Cleveland. (Midday, 09/12/2007)
U.S. Rep. John Kline, Republican from Minnesota's 2nd District, is a member of the House Armed Services committee, which heard from the two top U.S. leaders on Iraq Monday. Kline agrees with Gen. David Petraeus that the recent troop surge has been successful. (09/11/2007)
The former mayor of New York City breezed through Minnesota, shaking hands at a St. Paul cafe, sharing coffee with a few patrons and then heading off to a fundraiser at a country club in the suburbs. (09/06/2007)


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