Election Coverage from MPR

Some of those going to the Iowa caucuses next month will be Minnesotans who go to school in Iowa. Many of them consider it a once in a lifetime opportunity. (12/09/2007)
Presidential candidate and former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney laid out his views on the proper role of religion in American public life Thursday, saying, "We should acknowledge the Creator as did the founders, in ceremony and word." (Midday, 12/07/2007)
DFL U.S. Senate candidate Jim Cohen answers questions from Minnesota Public Radio listeners as part of our Meet the Candidates series. (Midday, 12/05/2007)
The Democratic presidential candidates discussed Iran, China, and immigration in Iowa Tuesday. With the Iowa caucuses less than a month away, were any of them able to separate themselves from the pack? Midmorning's guests analyze the debate. (Midmorning, 12/04/2007)
With less than a month to go before the Iowa caucuses, a political scientist looks at which issues divide the candidates on the Democratic and Republican sides. (Midday, 12/04/2007)
With primary season just weeks away, accusations of flip-flopping are heating up. These charges, true or not, can be catastrophic for a campaign. But where do the accusations begin? (12/03/2007)


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