Election Coverage from MPR

Former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee and Illinois Sen. Barack Obama topped the Republican and Democratic results of the Iowa caucuses Thursday. Analysis of the wins and what others will have to do to win in New Hampshire Jan. 8. (Midmorning, 01/04/2008)
Political scientist Chris Gilbert offers analysis of the results of the Iowa presidential caucuses. (Midday, 01/04/2008)
Sen. Barack Obama and Mike Huckabee swept to victory in the Iowa caucuses, taking a major step forward in the race for the Democratic and Republican presidential nominations. (01/04/2008)
Minnesota Gov. Tim Pawlenty travels to Iowa Thursday evening to campaign for Arizona Sen. John McCain on the day of the Iowa caucuses. (01/03/2008)
The Iowa caucuses are earlier than ever this year, and some say Iowa's significance in the presidential race is greater than ever. But will a win in Iowa really propel to the nomination? Midmorning looks at the Iowa caucuses, and beyond, live from Des Moines. (Midmorning, 01/02/2008)
The presidential candidates have made their pitches, and now it's up to the Iowa voters. On the eve of the Iowa caucuses, Midmorning hears from Iowans about the issues that are on their mind as they prepare to select their candidates. (Midmorning, 01/02/2008)


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