Election Coverage from MPR

Democratic presidential candidates Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama have been attacking NAFTA on the campaign trail and promising to renegotiate the pact if elected. Midmorning examines the truth behind the rhetoric on NAFTA, and looks at how the next president might handle the issue of trade. (Midmorning, 04/30/2008)
DFL U.S. Senate candidate Al Franken says he is paying tens of thousands of dollars in back income taxes to more than a dozen states. Franken says he became aware of the taxes owed after a recent review of his books following other tax problems. (04/29/2008)
With the Indiana and North Carolina primaries just a week away, Midday discusses the challenges ahead for Democratic presidential candidates Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama. (Midday, 04/29/2008)
The price of gas nationally gas hit a record today according to AAA, and it's close to the record in Minnesota. Republicans are hoping to make the price of gas and the transportation bill a campaign issue. (04/28/2008)
A Minneapolis comedy expert takes a look at the presidential candidates' ability to use humor on the campaign trail. (04/28/2008)
In a speech at the National Press Club in Washington D.C., the Rev. Jeremiah Wright discusses his sermons, the black church and race in America, and he takes questions from the Washington press corps. (Midday, 04/28/2008)


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