Election Coverage from MPR

Sen. Norm Coleman said that he will sign on to legislation that would restrict future reconstruction dollars for Iraq to loans instead of grants. (04/15/2008)
Jack Nelson-Pallmeyer is one of the Democrats hoping to unseat U.S. Sen. Norm Coleman, R-Minn., in the 2008 election. He joins Midday as part of our "Meet the Candidates" series to discuss the pressing issues in the U.S. Senate race. (Midday, 04/15/2008)
DFLer Al Franken is ripping Sen. Norm Coleman for wanting to make the Bush tax cuts permanent for the wealthiest Americans. Coleman says raising taxes on anyone right now would be bad for the economy. (04/14/2008)
One of Minnesota's last uncommitted Democratic superdelegates is backing Barack Obama. (04/12/2008)
It took eight ballots and nearly seven hours, but DFLers in Minnesota's third district have endorsed Ashwin Madia for Congress. (04/12/2008)
Third district DFL congressional candidates are in a tight race. Looking to fill the seat left by Republican Jim Ramstad, Ashwin Madia and Terri Bonoff will discuss key issues facing Congress. (Midday, 04/11/2008)


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