Election Coverage from MPR

Independence Party leader Dean Barkley says he is considering entering the race for U.S. Senate in Minnesota. Barkley served in the Senate for a few weeks in 2002, after the death of incumbent Paul Wellstone. (05/02/2008)
Tax experts say Al Franken's accountant should have known that Franken needed to pay taxes in the 19 different states where Franken earned money in the last four years. (05/02/2008)
Gov. Tim Pawlenty warned against a rush to judgment about the cause of the 35W bridge collapse, one day after likely Republican presidential nominee John McCain blamed it on wasteful spending. (05/01/2008)
Republican John McCain said Wednesday that the bridge collapse in Minnesota that killed 13 people last year would not have happened if Congress had not wasted so much money on pork-barrel spending. (05/01/2008)
DFLer Al Franken's campaign has been scrambling to shore up support among the people who will decide on the party's Senate endorsement. (04/30/2008)
Democratic strategist Donna Brazile offers her insight on the presidential campaign and the role of superdelegates in a speech at St. Olaf College in Northfield. (Midday, 04/30/2008)


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