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Cheney stays on the offensive in Rochester visit
Vice President Dick Cheney campaigned in Rochester Tuesday on the eve of the last presidential debate. He spoke to an enthusiastic crowd about national defense and why President Bush deserves another term in office. According to Cheney, the differences between the candidates are clear.
Where do the presidential candidates stand on health care?
John Kerry and George W. Bush debate for the last time on Wednesday, and the topic is domestic policy. One of the biggest issues in that arena this year is the soaring cost of health care. Both of the candidates have plans for dealing with the problem, and they're quite different. Bush is emphasizing tax-free personal health savings accounts and medical malpractice reform. Kerry is offering to subsidize employer-based health insurance for the cost of catastrophic care and to give individuals access to the same health care plan available to many government employees.
New voters may be election wild card
October 12 is the deadline for Minnesotans to pre-register to vote. Anyone not registered by 5 p.m. will have to wait until election day to register at the polls. Registration cards have been streaming into county election offices around the state. Many of them are from new voters, raising questions about how that will affect the outcome of the presidential race.
Indian Country is in the midst of political awakening
Native Americans consider themselves the "first people." But they waited until 1924 to get the right to vote. Since then, they haven't voted in large numbers. And they've been largely ignored or taken for granted by politicians. Now, Native Americans across the country are registering to vote in droves. They're considered a key constituency in Minnesota and several other battleground states where Democrats and Republicans are fighting for control of the White House. In northern Minnesota, Indians could also hold pivotal swing votes in several state House races.
Libertarian presidential candidate Michael Badnarik
Do you think government is way too big? That taxes and government spending should be cut in half? That the War in Iraq was a mistake? That public welfare should be replaced with private charity? That recreational drugs, assault weapons and gay marriage should all be legal? If so, then neither George W. Bush nor John Kerry agree with all of your positions, but Libertarian presidential candidate Michael Badnarik does.
Edwards visits Minnesota, one day after Bush
Minnesota demonstrated its battleground status over the weekend by attracting campaign visits by both Republican president George W. Bush and Democratic vice presidential hopeful John Edwards. Both candidates used the recent debates as ammunition for their positions. Bush spoke to an estimated 17,000 supporters at a park in Chanhassen Saturday, while Edwards spoke to an estimated 7,000 people at Maple Grove High School Sunday.
Bush rallies Minnesota faithful
On the heels of Friday's heated debate with John Kerry, President George W. Bush was in Minnesota on Saturdday. Before a huge crowd of supporters in a park in Chanhassen, Bush ripped Kerry and pledged to "whip" him on election day.
Kerry blames Bush for deficit; president says Democrat will raise taxes
In a heated debate rematch, Sen. John Kerry accused President Bush on Friday night of transforming huge budget surpluses into massive deficits with tax cuts for the rich during wartime. Bush said Kerry would have to raise taxes on middle-class Americans to pay for $2.2 trillion in new spending programs. "That's just reality," Bush insisted.
Without a home, but not without a vote
Talk to any political analyst and they'll tell you the upcoming presidential election is all about voter turnout. If you get more people to the polls, you win the election. This year political parties, candidates and outside interest groups are mounting tremendous voter registration drives across the country. In Minnesota, advocates for the poor and homeless are encouraging an often overlooked population to vote this year.
How would John Kerry handle Iraq?
Former U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations Richard Holbrooke explained why he believes George W. Bush has mishandled the War in Iraq at the Cleveland City Club Forum on Thursday. Holbrooke, who is one of democratic presidential candidate John Kerry's senior foreign policy advisors, also outlined why he thinks Kerry would do a better job in Iraq. In response to an audience member's question, the former ambassador said that if Kerry was elected and asked him to serve as secretary of state, he would say 'yes.'
A preview of the second presidential debate
George W. Bush and John Kerry square off in St. Louis, Mo. on Friday night for the second of their three debates. Several polls show that the presidential race has tightened since the first debate in Coral Gables, Fla., which seemed to give some momentum to Kerry, the Democrat. We take the pulse of the campaign as it heads into its final weeks.
Minneapolis neighbors hope to be players in campaign ad battle
A group of south Minneapolis neighbors that wanted to get involved in the presidential race has produced its own campaign commercial. The spot has Osama bin Laden endorsing the Bush-Cheney re-election effort. The ad contends President Bush's approach to the war on terrorism is strengthening al Qaeda. Campaign finance observers say while independent expenditures are certainly nothing new in presidential policies, they have yet to hear about a few neighbors actually producing an ad.
Slicing the Spin: education
Midmorning takes a closer look at the issues at stake in this presidential election. Kerri Miller delves into education. Both candidates have made promises for K-12 students, but how far will they go?
Education's role in the presidential campaign
President Bush and Democratic challenger John Kerry have different approaches to education policy. Kerry says Bush is not calling for enough spending. Bush says Kerry's can't pay for his plan.
Cheney, Edwards clash over Iraq in only vice presidential debate
Sen. John Edwards accused the Bush administration Tuesday night of bungling the war in Iraq and presiding over a historic loss of jobs. "Your facts are just wrong," Vice President Dick Cheney shot back in crackling campaign debate.

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