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Independence Party turns to Supreme Court to get ballot access
The Independence Party on Tuesday asked the Minnesota Supreme Court to allow its candidates to remain on the November ballot. Secretary of State Mary Kiffmeyer determined last week that none of the party's 26 candidates for Congress and the Legislature met a necessary statutory threshold in last week's primary for staying on the ballot. Independence Party officials say Kiffmeyer is deliberately trying to keep their candidates off the ballot, a charge Kiffmeyer denies.
President George W. Bush at the United Nations
President George W. Bush addresses the United Nations on Tuesday. In his weekly radio address, Bush promised to "talk about the great possibilities of our time to improve health, expand prosperity and extend freedom in the world." He said the United States is determined "to spread hope and economic progress and freedom as the alternatives to hatreds, resentments and terrorist violence."
More campaign finance changes?
A federal district court opinion appears to throw out 15 Federal Elections Commission regulations on campaign finance. Those regulations were contested by the authors of the campaign finance reform laws. But what happens to such a ruling issued in the middle of a campaign is under debate.
John Kerry's four-point plan for Iraq
Democratic Presidential candidate John Kerry outlined his four-point plan for dealing with the War in Iraq at New York University, Monday. Kerry proposed to increase international contributions to the effort, expand the training of Iraqi police and security forces, provide jobs and tangible benefits to the Iraqi people and ensure that the country can hold democratic elections next year.
Bush defends Iraq policy amid bipartisan criticism
President Bush, buffeted by criticism from Democratic Sen. John Kerry and even some in his own party on Iraq, is urging U.S. voters to stick with him on the war in the face of surging violence.
Kerry says Bush handling of war threatens unending fight; he offers four-point plan
Sen. John Kerry said Monday that mistakes by President Bush in invading Iraq could lead to unending war and that no responsible commander in chief would have begun the war knowing Saddam Hussein didn't possess weapons of mass destruction and wasn't an imminent threat to the United States.
Close Senate race in national spotlight
The race for the U.S. Senate in South Dakota is one of the most closely watched in the country. Former Republican Congressman John Thune is challenging Senate Minority Leader Tom Daschle. The race is symbolic for both Republicans and Democrats. President Bush would like the Republican candidate to win as a vote for his agenda. Democrats want their leader to win as a vote against the president. Thune and Daschle debated before a national audience on NBC's "Meet the Press."
Independence Party trying to get candidates back on the ballot
The future of the Minnesota Independence Party could be determined in the courts in the next few days instead of in elections this November. That is because Secretary of State Mary Kiffmeyer, a Republican, determined late last week that none of the Independence Party candidates would make the ballot because they did not get enough votes in last week's primary election, which saw record low turnout. DFL attorney General Mike Hatch agreed with Kiffmeyer in a legal opinion, but says the Independence Party may have a case to make at the state Supreme Court. Morning Edition host Cathy Wurzer spoke with Independence Party Chairman Jim Moore.
Republicans face uphill battle in the 7th
In Minnesota's 7th Congressional District, Republicans face an uphill struggle as they try to unseat incumbent Collin Peterson. Peterson is seeking his 8th term in the U.S. House. His challenger is David Sturrock, a Southwest State University political science professor from Marshall.
Beyond the God gap
The theory of the "God gap"--which suggests that, in general, religious Americans are Republicans and non-religious Americans are Democrats--has played prominently in press reporting on the 2004 presidential race. At their recent conventions, both parties seemed to grapple with faith and respond to the perceived God gap in interesting and unexpected ways. This special program from American Public Media's "Speaking of Faith" asks whether there actually is such a clear cut rift in American society.
Covering the election: What's the media's role?
In covering the presidential election, the media have been accused of focusing too much on the proverbial "horse race" and too little on what either major party candidate might actually do if elected. Media organizations have also come under fire for giving over too much time to debating the details of George Bush and John Kerry's military service. But are the news organizations really derelict in their duty, or are they just following the lead of the two campaigns?
Sagging in some polls, Nader hunts for votes in Minnesota
The gloves were off for independent presidential candidate Ralph Nader Thursday night during two Twin Cities appearances. Nader spoke to hundreds of supporters, first at Macalester College in St. Paul and then at the University of Minnesota's Minneapolis campus. He took direct aim at Democrats, Republicans, and corporate interests. Recent polls show Nader struggling to find support in Minnesota -- but he and his supporters say the campaign is about more than winning the race.
Bush seeks to turn up the pressure in Minnesota
President Bush staged a fast and furious tour of Minnesota on Thursday, rallying in two cities and holding a health care forum in a third as two new polls showed him even with Democrat John Kerry.
Understanding election polls
The Pioneer Press MPR poll says Bush has a narrow lead over Kerry in Minnesota, but the race is too close to call the state for either candidate. Recent polls suggest Minnesota is very much in play.
Why do poll results differ?
The poll results in the Minnesota Public Radio - St. Paul Pioneer Press poll which showed President Bush with 46 percent and Democrat John Kerry with 44 percent are significantly different from a Minneapolis Star Tribune's poll that showed Kerry ahead in the presidential race. That poll, released yesterday, had Kerry at 50 percent, and Bush had 41 percent. Morning Edition substitute host Perry Finelli spoke with University of Michigan professor Michael Traugott, who is also author of the "Voter's Guide to Election Polls" about the why polls differ.

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