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Talk of Minnesota: John Kerry's 1971 anti-war testimony
In April of 1971, John Kerry gave a speech before the U.S. Senate Committee on Foreign Relations about war crimes that other soldiers serving in Vietnam allegedly committed. That testimony is the focus of a new Swift Boat Veterans for Truth ad that claims Kerry "dishonored his country and more importantly the people he served with." We play the ad alongside Kerry's testimony, and then we open the phone lines to get listeners' reactions.
War on the campaign trail
Debate over the presidential candidates' war service has refreshed the divide over the Vietnam War. Midmorning takes a look at war as a campaign issue and factor in presidential elections.
Clinton advisor and Gore backer turns Bush booster
Political consultant Dick Morris is often credited with propelling Bill Clinton into the White House for a second term, despite having to resign before the campaign ended amid a prostitution scandal. He's not a Democrat, though. An avowed independent, Morris voted for Al Gore in 2000, but this year, he's thrown his support behind President George W. Bush. He explained his politics and offered his analysis of the American political process at the Commonwealth Club of California on August 10.
Race for the House
Minnesota House leaders on both sides of the aisle have agreed, in principle, to a series of debates beginning as early as the start of the State Fair. Political observers say a lot is at stake in the outcome of state races in November.
The stakes are high in the South Dakota Senate race
U.S. Senate Minority Leader Tom Daschle is in a tough fight for re-election. Daschle, a Democrat from South Dakota, is in his closest race since first being elected to the Senate in 1986. His opponent is Republican John Thune, a former congressman who narrowly lost his first race for Senate two years ago. A major focus of the campaign is Daschle's leadership position, and what it means for South Dakota. Daschle and Thune debated each other for the first time Wednesday, on the subject of farm policy.
Bush campaign targets Wisconsin, Minnesota in latest swing
President George W. Bush is in Crawford, Texas, resting after a bus tour that took him through Wisconsin and Minnesota. The president made a campaign stop on Wednesday just across the St. Croix River in Hudson, Wis., followed by a rally at the Xcel Energy Center in downtown St. Paul. He repeated many of the campaign's familiar themes on the economy and the war in Iraq. But he also opened the dialogue slightly by inviting audience members to pepper him with questions.
Kerry campaign official attacks Bush on war, veterans issues
The war of words over which presidential candidate is a better ally of troops and veterans made its way to the state Capitol grounds Wednesday as former Georgia Sen. Max Cleland led a "Veterans for Kerry" rally hours ahead of President Bush's campaign stop in St. Paul.
Presidential politics
With President George W. Bush coming to Minnesota for the third time in a little over a month, we talk with one of our political analysts about the state of the 2004 presidential campaign. Both the President and Democratic candidate John Kerry are campaigning unusually hard both in Minnesota and in swing states across the nation in what Arizona Sen. John McCain has called "the bitterest, most unsavory campaign in the nation's history."
Presidential politics in western Wisconsin
President George W. Bush's campaign visit to Hudson, Wisconsin, in the western part of the state, is a nod to that area's population growth. But, even though it is in Wisconsin, the area is considered part of the Twin Cities media market. Morning Edition host Cathy Wurzer spoke with professor Tracy Gladstone-Sovell, a political scientist at the University of Wisconsin -- River Falls, about the presidential politics of that part of the state.
Campaigns go high tech to get out the vote
The tight race for president is forcing each political party to rely on grass roots campaigning to turn out every vote they can this fall. It's common for activists to campaign door to door. But this year, they're armed with some new technological tools. They're using the Internet and Palm Pilots to identify likely voters and ask them for money and other support.
Daschle proposes more help for small farmers
South Dakota Sen. Tom Daschle says he wants to help save small farmers and ranchers. The Senate Minority Leader announced an initiative to create a Small Farm Administration, which would be modeled after the Small Business Administration.
Minnesota representatives get a firsthand look at the Middle East
Two of Minnesota's U.S. Congressional Representatives, returning from an eight-day tour of Iraq and other Middle Eastern countries, share their impressions of the situation there.
Below the political radar, plenty of contested races develop
All eyes may be on the race for the White House, but Minnesota has a full slate of other races to watch this year. The state's eight congressional seats are up, as are all 134 spots in the state House of Representatives. Republicans currently enjoy a substantial 28 seat majority in that body. That's the biggest edge the GOP has ever held in the House, since partisan elections were introduced in 1972. But Democrats say that's no reason the advantage can't be flipped in November.
Edwards discusses health care on a Belle Plaine front porch
It has been a busy couple of weeks of presidential politics in Minnesota, and there's no sign the campaign pace will slow down. President Bush will be back in the state next week for a campaign rally in downtown St. Paul. Friday evening, Democratic vice presidential candidate John Edwards rallied supporters gathered in the Twin Cities suburb of Rosemount. He campaigns in Belle Plaine, Minnesota and Fargo, North Dakota Saturday.
O'Grady: Kerry's actions after Vietnam constituted treason
Scott O'Grady, the Air Force pilot who captured headlines in 1995 when he survived being shot down over Bosnia, on Friday said Sen. John Kerry committed "treason" during the Vietnam War.

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