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Campaign 2004

The 2004 Republican National Convention - New York, New York - Aug 30-Sep 2
Editor's Notebook
A blog covering the Republican Convention
by Bob Collins, Senior Editor - News
Friday, September 3, 2004

Heading Home

I hadn't intended to go onto the floor of Madison Square Garden last night for President Bush's speech. I was content to have the column on Matt Albrecht be the last one from New York. But when I talked to my wife, she said the people at work were enjoying the ...the...whatever this is and I suddenly felt related to Wayne Newton, who probaly always wants to just go upstairs and go to bed, but instead had to sing one more verse of Danke Schoen (and no, I don't know how to spell Danke Schoen because I spent too much time in German class in high school try to put golf tees on that rat, Donnie Freeburg's seat).

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Audio Highlights

Audio President Bush's acceptance speech (09/02/2004)

Audio New York Gov. George Pataki introduces President Bush (09/02/2004)

Audio Georgia Sen. Zell Miller's convention speech (09/01/2004)

Audio Vice President Dick Cheney's convention speech (09/01/2004)

Audio Lynne Cheney introduces her husband, Vice President Dick Cheney (09/01/2004)

Audio First lady Laura Bush's convention speech (08/31/2004)

Audio California Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger's convention speech (08/31/2004)

Audio Maryland Lt. Gov. Michael Steele's convention speech (08/31/2004)

Audio Education Secretary Rod Paige's convention speech (08/31/2004)

Audio Senate Majority Leader Bill Frists's convention speech (08/31/2004)

Audio Sen. Elizabeth Dole's convention speech (08/31/2004)

Audio Rudy Giuliani's convention speech (08/30/2004)

Audio Sen. John McCain's convention speech (08/30/2004)

Audio Deena Burnett's remarks about Sept. 11 (08/30/2004)

Links & Resources

Document Republican National Convention (official site)
Document NPR Convention Coverage
Document WNYC - New York
Document MPR: Campaign 2004
News Features

Pawlenty at Carnegie Deli Document Who's got the 'mo'?
Minnesota Republicans head home, convinced it's Bush.
Pawlenty at Carnegie Deli Document A national stage for Pawlenty?
Governor finds plenty of fans in New York.
Family member of 9/11 victim Document Missed opportunity
Minnesotans come close, but don't meet 9/11 victims' families. (RealAudio required)
Minnesota delegation Document How best to serve?
A visit to a day care center frames a debate between political philosophies.
Minnesota delegation Document Just the way they like it
The convention platform is just what the Minnesota delegation wants, even if the convention is adopting a more moderate tone.
Celebrating Document Bush says 'we will prevail' over terrorism; Kerry calls president unfit to lead
President Bush picked apart Democrat John Kerry's record on the Iraq war and tax cuts Thursday night, as he accepted the Republican Party's nomination for re-election. Kerry countered the attacks on his record, calling Bush unfit to lead and saying he misled the nation into the Iraq war.
Dick Cheney Document Republicans launch double-barreled attack against Kerry
Vice President Dick Cheney and Democratic Sen. Zell Miller of Georgia teamed up to deliver a stinging attack on Sen. John Kerry Wednesday night, ridiculing him as a politician who has made a career out of changing his mind.
Sen. Zell Miller Document Zell Miller: Then and now
Sen. Zell Miller, a Democrat from Georgia, delivered a blistering attack on Democratic presidential candidate John Kerry Wednesday night. It was reminiscent of his keynote speech in front of Democrats in 1992, when he criticized the first President Bush.
Marching in Manhattan Document Minnesotans join anti-GOP protest
Thousands march on Manhattan as Republican convention opens
Laura Bush Document First lady hails husband's fight against terrorism
Laura Bush told Republican delegates Tuesday night her husband, the president, is a man of strength leavened by compassion. "You can count on him, especially in a crisis," she said.
Meet the delegates Document Meet the delegates
Minnesota sends a comparatively ethnically diverse group to New York.
Document More election coverage: Campaign 2004

MPR News Program Coverage

Audio The convention so far
A discussion of the Republican Party platform, as well as the speeches and issues at the center of this political gathering.
Audio The first day of the convention
Republican delegate Justin Krych of Duluth gives us his impressions of the convention's first day.
Audio A brief history of the Republican Party
Two historians trace the transformations the Republican Party has gone through from Abraham Lincoln to George W. Bush.
Audio The first Hispanic delegate
MPR's Cathy Wurzer talks with Rick Aguilar, the first Hispanic in a Minnesota delegation to a GOP national convention.