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Campaign 2004

The 2004 Democratic National Convention - Boston, Massachusetts - July 26-29
Editor's Notebook
A blog covering the Democratic Convention
by Bob Collins, Senior Editor - News
Thursday, July 29, 2004

Over and Out

After five days of this I'm worn out. The arguing, the fighting, the intramural squabbling over a single issue: is this a blog or what? To me, these things are just letters home from somebody who's been away for a week , misses his family, but has been doing some interesting things and meeting some interesting people during his forced absence. Just like summer camp.

Back when I was growing up, we just called 'em letters from camp.
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Audio Highlights

Audio John Kerry's acceptance speech (07/29/2004)

Audio Max Cleland introduces John Kerry (07/29/2004)

Audio Minnesota delegation's roll call (07/28/2004)

Audio Sen. John Edwards' convention speech (07/28/2004)

Audio Elizabeth Edwards introduces her husband, Sen. John Edwards (07/28/2004)

Audio Rev. Al Sharpton's convention speech (07/28/2004)

Audio Dennis Kucinich speech (from CSPAN) (07/28/2004)

Audio Hennepin County Attorney Amy Klobuchar's convention speech (07/28/2004)

Audio Teresa Heinz Kerry's convention speech (07/27/2004)

Audio Barack Obama's convention speech (07/27/2004)

Audio Sen. Ted Kennedy's convention speech (07/27/2004)

Audio Howard Dean's convention speech (07/27/2004)

Audio Ron Reagan's convention speech (07/27/2004)

Audio Congressional candidate Patty Wetterling's convention speech (07/27/2004)

Audio Former President Bill Clinton's convention speech (07/26/2004)

Audio Sen. Hillary Clinton's convention speech (07/26/2004)

Audio Al Gore's convention speech (07/26/2004)

Audio Former President Jimmy Carter's convention speech (07/26/2004)

Links & Resources

Document Democratic National Convention (official site)
Document List of all Minnesota delegates
Document NPR Convention Coverage
Document WBUR Election Coverage
Document MPR: Campaign 2004
News Features

Democrats celebrate Document Back to Minnesota
How will the convention shape the campaign in Minnesota?
Politics vs. religion Document Pro-choice Catholics feel the heat
A bishops' task force report pits politics against religion.
The parties Document The party is where it's at
Elected officials, interest groups, and activists network, lobby, and raise money.
Minnesota DFLers united Document United they stand?
Despite some thorny issues, Minnesota delegates say they are unified.
John Kerry Document Hello, my name is...
Soldier, father and man of values - John Kerry introduces himself to an American public still unfamiliar with him.
John Edwards Document Kerry nominated; Edwards revives theme of two Americas
Sen. John Kerry collected the Democratic presidential nomination late Wednesday, as delegates to the party convention cast their votes for him and listened to Sen. John Edwards.
John Edwards Document Courting the vet vote
Convention organizers hoped to use the week's themes to reach out to veterans. They had a chance to do that at a Bunker Hill rally honoring them.
John Edwards Document Delegates elsewhere have advice for Minnesota
Delegates from battleground states in previous elections advise Minnesota delegates on how to be a swing state delegate.
John Edwards Document The art of the positive spin
Kerry strategist says Minnesota's Democratic image may be a "stereotype."
John Edwards Document Meet the delegation
It's younger, perhaps less seasoned, but ready for a fight between now and November.
Document More election coverage: Campaign 2004

MPR News Program Coverage

Audio Kerry, Edwards hit the campaign trail
Now that the Democrats have officially chosen their candidate, the campaign picks up speed with both John Kerry and President George Bush hitting battleground states over the next few days.
Audio U.S. Sen. Mark Dayton from the convention
Minnesota Sen. Mark Dayton is attending the Democratic National Convention in Boston. He discusses the presidential and congressional 2004 campaigns and the 9/11 Commission's recommendations.
Audio The Democratic National Convention: As seen on TV?
TV viewers who want to see the rising stars of the Democratic Party will have to do a bit of channel surfing. The three major television networks have cut back their coverage, saying the conventions do not yield enough news to warrant more time.
Audio Conservative power in America
American conservatism has changed dramatically since Eisenhower was president. Two British authors say if you want a barometer of those changes, look to the Bush family.
Audio One delegate's observations
Benjamin Gross of Eagan is an experienced Democratic Party activist, and a delegate to the Democratic National Convention. Gross has attended several conventions -- his first, at age 14, was the historic 1964 showdown over civil rights for blacks. Gross spoke with MPR's David Molpus about his first day at the convention.
Audio A look back at the 1964 Democratic Convention
Walter Mondale looks back at the 1964 Democratic Convention, which was a turning point in U.S. civil rights history. That year the state of Mississippi sent two delegations to the convention -- one all-white, one integrated -- and then-Minnesota Attorney General Walter Mondale helped broker a compromise.
Audio Where the Upper Midwest stands
The Humphrey Institute's Center for the Study of Politics has released a new poll that analyzes where the upper Midwest stands on the presidential election and the issues that underscore it. .
Audio The African-American vote
Democratic presidential hopeful John Kerry is working to woo African-American voters with a new multi-million dollar ad campaign. But political analysts say African-Americans aren't responding to Kerry's message.