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Mark Kennedy touts experience in re-election campaign
Congressman Mark Kennedy finds himself in his third competitive race in three runs for the U.S. House. The Republican narrowly defeated an incumbent in 2000. In 2002, he ran against a well-financed challenger and now he's running against the well-known, well-financed Patty Wetterling. Kennedy has been mentioned in Republican party circles as a possible opponent to DFL Sen. Mark Dayton in 2006. But Kennedy says he's focusing on keeping his seat in Congress.
Laura Bush woos female business owners
First lady Laura Bush made a campaign stop in central Minnesota Tuesday, visiting a quilt shop in the city of Waite Park near St. Cloud. After a tour through rows of colorful fabric, the first lady spoke to a crowd of female business owners. Laura Bush said her husband's policies are strengthening the nation's small businesses.

Meanwhile, a group of Democratic businesswomen in St. Cloud say the president hasn't done enough. They spent the morning touting John Kerry's proposals to strengthen small business.

The role of the first lady
President George W. Bush has been warming up crowds at campaign rallies lately with the applause line: "I'm going to give you some reasons why I think you need to put me back in office, but perhaps the most important reason of all is so that Laura will be First Lady for four more years." The crowd cheers, presumably expressing their preference for the president's wife over Theresa Heinz Kerry. And although the First Lady has no official duties, it's clear that the electorate pays attention to the people married to the candidates. But what does the American public expect from the First Lady? An activist? Someone who stays out of political fray? Or somehow both things at once?
Kennedy, McCollum leave Iraq with different impressions
Finishing up a congressional trip to Iraq, Rep. Betty McCollum was struck by how fearful ordinary Iraqis were of continued violence. Rep. Mark Kennedy, on the same trip, marveled at how much things are improving.
Energizing the election
Both President Bush and Senator John Kerry are touting long-term plans to cut dependence on foreign oil and develop new sources of energy at home. And both are criticizing their opponent's ideas. We'll examine energy policy on the campaign trail and off.
Minnesotans to judge judge candidates
State judicial races have earned reputations as the sleepier voter contests. In many cases, incumbent judges run unopposed. But in this election cycle, there are already fireworks. Attorneys in two cases are going to court to disqualify their opponents; and one challenger has infused Biblical teachings into his campaign.
Vice President Cheney visits East Grand Forks
Vice-President Dick Cheney visited East Grand Forks, Minnesota on Friday. Cheney's visit is part of a Republican push to win in Minnesota this fall. Traditionally a stronghold for Democrats in the presidential election, Minnesota is seen as a battleground state in 2004.
Farmfest's congressional forum
It's an election year, so more than machinery was on hand at this summer's Farmfest. Plenty of politicians were there, too, at the Gilfillan Estate near Morgan. The event will include a variety of candidates and government officials participated in a candidate forum.
Labor unions and the election
Labor unions may be less visible during this election year than in the past. But in a close election, some say the strength of labor's support may make the difference.
Pols get earful from educators on No Child Left Behind law
One of the architects of the federal Leave No Child Behind law faced a round of criticism on Thursday from Minnesota educators. The chair of the U.S. House Education and Workforce Committee met in Woodbury with a group of principals, school superintendents and teachers to talk about concerns with federal education policies.
Farmers, hunters turn out for Bush stop in southern Minnesota
Minnesota is becoming familiar territory for President Bush. On Wednesday, the president made his 10th visit to the state since taking office. The purpose of the trip was two-fold. At a stop in LeSueur, he announced plans to expand a popular federal initiative called the Conservation Reserve Program. It pays farmers to take highly erodible land out of crop production. Later in the afternoon, he led a re-election rally in Mankato, where he encouraged several thousand supporters to get out the vote.
Congressional candidates debate trade policies
Several hundred people at a congressional debate at Farmfest on Tuesday got a preview of the fall election campaign. Candidates from several Minnesota congressional districts tackled everything from rural education to ethanol. Some of the sharpest opinions concerned U.S. trade policy.
President Bush visits Minnesota
President Bush campaigns in LeSueur and Mankato. Political science professor Chris Gilbert discusses residential politics in Minnesota.
North Dakotans to vote on gay marriage ban
North Dakotans will vote in November on a constitutional amendment to define a marriage as one man and one woman. It's expected the issue will bring large numbers of conservative voters to the polls.
A view of politics from the left
For almost 40 years, Hendrik Hertzberg has written about politics. He's examined everything from campaigns to media coverage and approached the issues from every angle. A new collection of his essays and other writings offers a version of American political life from the liberal point of view.

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