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3rd District debate
Minnesota Public Radio's Meet the Candidates series continues with the 3rd District congressional candidates, incumbent Republican Jim Ramstad and his DFL challenger Deborah Watts. In the 2nd half hour, a look at the Senate races in South Dakota and Wisconsin.
Campaign roundup: Kerry and Bush spar over missing explosives
Democratic presidential candidate John Kerry brought his campaign to Rochester again Wednesday, six days out from the election. He continued to step up his attacks on President Bush, saying that Bush has failed the test of leadership on the economy and national security.
Slicing the Spin: Foreign Policy
Midmorning takes a closer look at the issues that could determine the outcome of the presidential election. This week, host Kerri Miller examines the candidates' plans for foreign policy.
Rehnquist illness propels social issues back to campaign agenda
Neither President George W. Bush nor Sen. John Kerry spends much time talking about either abortion or same-sex marriage in speeches. But the next president is likely to appoint at least one member to an aging Supreme Court that's divided on abortion, gay rights and other issues. There hasn't been a Supreme Court vacancy in 10 years, and this week's announcement that Chief Justice William Rehnquist has thyroid cancer gives new prominence to the question.
Foreign policy is in unusual role as biggest issue in presidential election
If there is one defining issue in this year's presidential campaign, it's the war in Iraq. Democratic Sen. John Kerry charges President Bush's approach to the fight against terrorism is emblematic of a larger go-it-alone philosophy that's seriously damaged U.S. relations around the world. Bush accuses Kerry of underestimating demands of the war against terrorism and of taking numerous competing positions on Iraq.
South Dakota Senate candidates look to Indians for victory
South Dakota's race for the U.S. Senate is close. The margin for a victory could be just a few hundred votes. Two years ago, Native Americans decided a U.S. Senate race in South Dakota, where the Indian vote helped Democrat Tim Johnson beat former Republican Congressman John Thune. This year Thune is challenging the state's other senator, Democratic leader Tom Daschle. And both candidates are looking at Native Americans to give them a victory.
Meet the candidates: 2nd Congressional District
A live Minnesota Public Radio debate between the candidates running for Minnesota's 2nd Congressional District. Republican John Kline is in his first term in the U.S. Congress and is defending his seat against Democrat Teresa Daly. Independence Party candidate Doug Williams was also invited to participate in the debate but did not respond.
Meet the candidates: 4th Congressional District
A live Minnesota Public Radio debate between the candidates running for Minnesota's 4th Congressional District. Betty McCollum, a two-term Democratic incumbent, is defending her seat against Republican Patrice Bataglia. Independence Party candidate Peter Vento was also invited to participate in the debate but did not respond.
When voting is law
More than twenty nations have made voting mandatory. What are the pros and cons of compulsory political participation? And how do mandatory voting laws change the way politicians campaign?
Campaign Roundup: Kerry, Bush, Nader focus on the Midwest
President Bush campaigned in a small town near La Crosse, Wisconsin Tuesday, hoping to woo more voters in a part of the state which went for Democrat Al Gore in the 2000 election. As a result, Bush narrowly lost the state's electoral votes. This time around the president has made a deliberate effort to court western Wisconsin voters.
Bush visits Wisconsin
President Bush says Senator John Kerry has a limited vision of the war on terror that won't keep Americans safe. The president talks about foreign policy and his other plans for the country during a campaign stop near LaCrosse, Wisconsin.
Cheney says he's 'sensitive' to sugar issues
Vice President Dick Cheney campaigned in Moorhead, Monday. The vice president's visit is part of the Bush administration's attempt to win Minnesota in the presidential election. Minnesota is one of several battleground states in the midwest. Republicans believe the Bush-Cheney ticket, could be the first Republican presidential campaign to win Minnesota since the Nixon-Agnew ticket in 1972.
Sixth District candidates debate
Sixth District Republican Congressman Mark Kennedy is defending his seat from well-known missing children's advocate Patty Wetterling, a Democrat. They square off at a Sunday evening debate in St. Paul sponsored by the League of Women Voters and KSTP-TV. Minnesota Public Radio broadcasts the debate as part of our "Meet the Candidates" series.
Eight days and counting
With just over a week left before election day, we check in with one of the nation's leading political analysts about the outlook in Minnesota's congressional races and the presidential election.
Courting the rural vote
The rural vote accounted for 23 percent of the electorate in the last presidential election. How are the candidates courting rural Americans this year?

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