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Voting in Minnesota and beyond
With election day finally upon us, we look at voting procedures in Minnesota and across the country. As America learned four years ago, connecting an arrow, checking a box, touching a screen or punching out a chad is never quite as simple as it sounds. Then there's the difficulty of ensuring that all eligible and only eligible voters are allowed to cast their ballots.
Ballot initiatives may have big impact
California's lengthy ballot is seen as a referendum on Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger's first year in office. The state known for ballot initiatives has residents voting on everything from the three strikes law to public funding for stem cell research.
Challenges possible at the polls
Most Minnesotans will cast their votes Tuesday without a hitch. However, it's almost certain that hundreds will be challenged on their right to cast a ballot. The close election, memories of Florida's voting irregularities and partisan passions will cause challengers from both major parties to scrutinize what happens at the polling place. Minnesota law allows each major party to have one challenger at each polling place. But election officials say they've trained election judges to make sure the challengers behave themselves.
Get-out-the-vote effort in high gear as campaigns wind down
The focus of the presidential campaigns in Minnesota has turned almost entirely away from convincing undecideds. Instead, they're making sure every possible supporter casts a ballot on Election Day.
Voters to decide two Appeals Court races
When Minnesota voters hit the polls Tuesday, they'll find a ballot that includes two sets of candidates running for the State Court of Appeals. Judicial campaigns are usually low profile. Campaigning for a judgeship is tricky. Regulations govern what judicial candidates can say about political matters and how they might rule on certain controversial issues.
Ad spending in presidential race triples that of 2000
The most expensive presidential advertising campaign in history closes Tuesday after eight months with President Bush, Sen. John Kerry, their political parties and allied groups having spent more than $600 million. That's triple the amount spent on TV and radio commercials in 2000. Still, for all the money, the race remains a statistical tie.
Preparing for the vote
With less than 24 hours to go before the polls open, we look at all the last-minute preparations that go into the election. The parties are getting ready to get out the vote, and election officials are getting ready to count it. The campaigns are standing by with poll watchers to take note of voting irregularities, not to mention the armies of lawyers and swarms of legal challenges that could swing into action if the presidential election is as close as it was in 2000.
Mixing politics and politeness
This emotional presidential campaign divides neighbors, friends and families along political lines. Midmorning's guest offers some ideas for re-capturing shredded civility.
Election eve in the battleground states
Observers from several battleground states talk about the presidential campaign and the local factors influencing the vote.
Campaign roundup: One last frenzied day in battleground states
President Bush and Democratic challenger John Kerry raced through a frenzied last day of campaigning Monday, pressing hard for support in Ohio, Wisconsin and other narrowly divided states in a presidential election still too close to call. Hoping to shore up support in Minnesota, Democratic vice presidential candidate John Edwards began his day with a rally at Hamline University in St. Paul. The state's top two Republicans launched a GOP get-out-the-vote bus tour.
GOP and DFL state chairmen get message out on election eve
On Tuesday, Americans across the country will go to the polls to elect a president. Minnesotans will also be deciding who to send to the U.S. Congress and to the state House in St. Paul. Both the Republican and DFL parties have been working hard to convince Minnesotans to get out and vote for their respective candidates. Morning Edition host Cathy Wurzer spoke with the state leaders of those two parties -- Republican Ron Eibensteiner and DFLer Mike Erlandson.
Voting made easy by following rules, asking questions
The campaigning is nearly over. The candidates have made their pitches. It's now time for voters to make their choices. Tuesday is Election Day. Experienced voters know where to go and what to do. Others will enter the voting booth for the first time and may be unsure about what it takes to exercise their democratic right.
MPR Poll: Minnesota's a tossup
A new Minnesota Public Radio-St. Paul Pioneer Press poll shows the presidential race too close to call in Minnesota, just two days before the election. The poll found 48 percent of respondents say they'll vote for Republican President George W. Bush, while 47 percent say they'll vote for Democrat John Kerry. A different poll, also out Sunday, shows Kerry with an 8-point lead, and a pollster says anything could move the race one way or the other in the last days.
Bush rallies followers at Target Center
President Bush used his latest appearance in Minnesota to urge Republicans to get supporters to the poll on Tuesday and he also appealed to Democrats for support. The Bush-Cheney campaign says 23,000 ticket holder turned out to see President Bush at the Target Center Saturday afternoon.
With presidential candidates elsewhere, surrogates take up Minnesota campaign
It was a rare day with no candidates from the presidential tickets in the state on Friday. Still, surrogates for President Bush and John Kerry showed up to rally supporters. Former New York mayor Rudy Giuliani campaigned in Minnesota for Bush, while former NATO commander Gen. Wesley Clark stumped for Kerry. The two focused on national security at competing partisan rallies. Meanwhile, Bush and Kerry began wrapping up their campaigns on the last weekend of the campaign season.

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