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Kennedy, Wetterling stage final 6th District debate
Incumbent Republican Mark Kennedy and his Democratic challenger Patty Wetterling are involved in one of Minnesota's hottest congressional races. Their final debate was broadcast live from a Twin Cities television station.
North Dakotans cast early presidential votes
Voters in Fargo, North Dakota have a two-week head start in voting for president. As many as 10 percent of the city's eligible voters may cast an early ballot. Officials hope making it easier to vote will boost turnout.
South Dakota early voting leads to court charges
It's looking more and more as though South Dakota's election could be decided in court. Six people have been charged with crimes stemming from a Republican get-out-the-vote campaign. All but one were employed by the Republican party. The case raises questions about whether the ballots will count.
Local House races in statewide spotlight
All 134 seats in the House of Representatives are up for re-election this fall. Two years ago, virtually all of the close races broke in the GOP's favor, delivering a bonanza for Republican lawmakers: a commanding 28-seat majority. Republicans are confident they'll maintain their edge, but Democrats say they need only change a handful of voters in a few close districts to redefine the political landscape. And that's brought plenty of outside pressure on otherwise local races. A race in the Northfield area is one such contest.
Cheney hammers on national security issues in Rosemount; Ventura endorses Kerry
Vice President Dick Cheney capped an unprecedented week of presidential politics in Minnesota by telling a rally crowd in suburban Rosemount that Democratic Sen. John Kerry lacks the judgment and conviction to be president.
Candidates face long days in 22B
One of the open seats in the Minnesota House is District 22B in southwest Minnesota. Republican Elaine Harder is retiring after serving five terms. It's a conservative part of the state heavy on agriculture. Both candidates say health care is the main concern of voters.
Kerry makes seventh trip to Minnesota - this time to Metrodome
Democratic presidential nominee John Kerry held a rally in Minneapolis Thursday night in front of an estimated crowd of 30,000 people. Kerry used the event to motivate his supporters to make sure that a Democratic presidential candidate wins Minnesota for the eighth straight time. Recent polling shows Kerry with a narrow lead in Minnesota, but Republicans say the state is changing and Kerry's stance on the war on terrorism is unpopular with voters.
Supreme Court ponders election judge lineup
The Minnesota Supreme Court heard arguments on Thursday on whether the party affiliations of election judges should be made public. The state Republican Party sued county auditors in Hennepin, Ramsey and Olmsted County, alleging that they apparently failed to follow state election law. The law requires that no more than half of the judges in any precinct are members of one political party. Minnesota Public Radio's Laura McCallum reports.
A battle between experience and changing politics in District 12A
House District 12A encompasses the rapidly growing Brainerd lakes area. It's a part of Minnesota that's seen plenty of changes over the last couple of decades. This year's election pits a DFL candidate with 30 years experience against two political newcomers.
Palestinian-Israeli conflict not on the campaign radar screen
Middle East peace has hardly been mentioned in the presidential campaign. Neither George W. Bush nor John Kerry have talked much at all about their plans for a solution to the violence between Palestinians and Israelis. One likely reason the issue doesn't come up is there's very little to debate. Analysts say Bush and Kerry have virtually identical positions. They're both strong supporters of Israel. Even so, the issue's absence from the campaign dismays two Minnesotans with a personal stake in Middle East peace.
The struggle for the Minnesota House
The Republican Party currently enjoys an 81-53 seat majority in the Minnesota House of Representatives, but all 134 seats are up for election in November. We invite leaders from both parties to make their best cases for why they should control the House for the next two years.
The art of voting
The marking of a simple ballot is not all that simple. We hear from the people who have studied how the design of ballots, voting machines and polling places sometimes keeps voters from making their choices.
Voting on the Electoral College
Attention turns again to the electoral college as Colorado may reconsider how electors' votes are allocated. Midmorning looks at just who electors are and how the system works, or doesn't work, for voters.
Negative ads suggest close race in Minnesota's 6th District
Republican Mark Kennedy and the National Republican Congressional Committee are stepping up their criticism of DFLer Patty Wetterling. Both Kennedy and the NRCC are running television advertisements questioning Wetterling's credibility as a candidate and the special interest groups that support her. Wetterling says the ads are unfair and has countered with an ad of her own questioning the Republican tactics.
Ad makes waves
A new ad attacking John Kerry is running on radio stations across northern Minnesota. It says if Kerry is elected president, people could lose their rights to go hunting and snowmobiling. The ad started running this week. The Kerry campaign is already saying the ads are inaccurate. Minnesota is a swing state, and the Iron Range could provide a big push for the swing.

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