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Coverage from Minnesota Public Radio

U.S. Sen. John Kerry, D-Mass., announced Wednesday that he will not run for president in 2008, but a number of his colleagues in the Senate are. (Midday, 01/25/2007)
Former Minneapolis restaurant owner Sami Rasouli says conditions are worsening for ordinary Iraqis. (01/24/2007)
On the eve of an expected congressional vote on a resolution to oppose troop increases in Iraq, two experts on insurgency and rebuilding countries after conflict talk about whether additional troops would make a difference. (Midmorning, 01/23/2007)
The commander of the Minnesota Army National Guard in Iraq has apologized to his soldiers and their family members. (01/17/2007)
The defense department intends to increase new recruitment goals by 92,000 troops a year as part of President Bush's plan to boost troop strength in Iraq. (01/12/2007)
President Bush's plan to increase troops in Iraq led the news this week. Did the president make the right decision? (Midday, 01/12/2007)
Minnesota's 2,600 National Guard troops will remain in Iraq until July, according to the head of the Guard. Meantime, dozens of demonstrators in the Twin Cities Thursday morning denounced President's Bush's plans to increase the number of troops in Iraq. (01/11/2007)
Defense Secretary Robert Gates answers questions on President Bush's Iraq policy in hearings before the House Armed Services Committee Thursday. (Midday, 01/11/2007)
James Berka's brother Joel is in the U.S. Army. Joel is on his second tour of duty in Iraq. James offers his reaction to President Bush's new strategy for Iraq and talks about what his brother has observed during his time overseas. (01/11/2007)
Live coverage of the U.S. Senate Foreign Relations committee hearing on the Bush Administration's proposals on what to do next in Iraq. The committee will question Secretary of State Condoleeza Rice. (Midmorning, 01/11/2007)
President Bush on Wednesday acknowledged for the first time he erred by failing to order a military buildup in Iraq last year and said he was increasing U.S. troops by 21,500 to quell the country's near-anarchy. (01/10/2007)
The president's escalation of the war in Iraq will come from extending the tours of some National Guard units, including one based in Minnesota. (01/10/2007)
The Minnesota Army National Guard says James Mathew Wosika Jr., 24, died on Tuesday in Fallujah. (01/10/2007)
President Bush goes on nationwide radio and television Wednesday evening to outline his new strategy in Iraq. That stragtegy will reportedly be built around increasing U.S. troop strength in Iraq. (Midday, 01/10/2007)
With President Bush planning to request an additional 20,000 troops for Iraq, the Democrats are looking at how to block a military expansion without being accused of abandoning American troops. (Midmorning, 01/10/2007)
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