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Coverage from Minnesota Public Radio

A South Dakota soldier has died in combat in Iraq. Staff Sgt. Robb Rolfing was killed Saturday by small arms fire in Baghdad. (07/02/2007)
In a recent speech at the Commonwealth Club of California, Washington Institute fellow Dennis Ross spoke about his new book called "Statecraft: And How to Restore America's Standing in the World." (Midday, 07/02/2007)
America's foreign policy and its involvement in Iraq continues to spark debate in Washington, while the number of military and civilian casualties in Iraq continues to climb. (Midday, 07/02/2007)
Minnesota National Guard soldiers returning from Iraq are coming back to families that have changed in the past two years. A series of summer camps around the state are helping the children of soldiers prepare for the reality of life after the homecoming. (06/26/2007)
Minnesota native and New York Times Military Correspondent Eric Schmitt has been to Iraq nine times. He's been to Afghanistan four times. Schmitt spoke about what he's seen in those war zones recently at the Commonwealth Club of California. (Midday, 06/25/2007)
It was hugs and cheers for 73 members of the Minnesota Army National Guard, their families and supporters in Grand Rapids on Saturday. The soldiers returned home from Iraq. (06/23/2007)
Tony Hebert, 20, the son of Robert and Laurie Hebert, was a 2005 graduate of Lincoln High School in Lake City. Robert Hebert said his son was killed but declined to speak further about him. (06/22/2007)
Seventy-five soldiers from Grand Rapids arrived at Fort McCoy in Wisc., yesterday, where they are being demobilized before going home. (06/19/2007)
The bombing of a shrine sacred to Iraqi Shiites may unleash another stage in the war. An expert on the Middle East looks at what he has observed on multiple visits to Iraq, and what he's told President Bush and Vice President Cheney about what's going on there. (Midmorning, 06/18/2007)
President Bush hinted recently that he considers the proposals of the Iraq Study Group a "plan B" to be implemented after the current troop surge. The group's co-chairs say the plan is still viable, except perhaps having combat troops withdrawn by March. James Baker and Lee Hamilton spoke Monday at the National Press Club. (Midday, 06/13/2007)
Since last Memorial Day, 24 members of the military with strong ties to our region have died in hostilities in Iraq and Afghanistan. On Memorial Day 2007, we take a brief look at who they were. (05/28/2007)
President Bush says the U.S. may face a difficult summer in Iraq. "It could be bloody; it could be a very difficult August," Bush said at a Thursday press conference. Will America's efforts ultimately pay off in Iraq? (Midday, 05/25/2007)
A soldier from eastern North Dakota died Tuesday in Iraq. David Kuehl, 27, attended high school in Wahpeton before joining the Army. (05/23/2007)
Sgt. 1st Class Jesse Albrecht, born in River Falls and raised in Hager City, was killed Thursday when an bomb detonated near his vehicle in Iraq. (05/22/2007)
Members of Congress were furious to hear the Iraqi parliament is poised to take a two-month vacation after making very little progress. Midmorning discusses some of the toughest issues facing Iraqi legislators and the impact on U.S. diplomacy. (Midmorning, 05/18/2007)
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