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Coverage from Minnesota Public Radio

Debate on the House floor in Washington will focus on a supplemental war spending bill that includes a date to withdraw U.S. troops from Iraq. MPR's Cathy Wurzer talks with members of Minnesota's congressional delegation from both sides of the aisle, Republican John Kline and Democrat Betty McCollum. (03/22/2007)
The small community of Minong, Wisconsin, is mourning someone described as a nice kid who has died in Iraq -- Marine Lance Cpl. Harry Timberman. Timberman, 20, died Saturday from combat wounds suffered in the Al Anbar Province. (03/20/2007)
Four years into the war, how has America's involvement in Iraq affected its relationship with the rest of the world? (Midday, 03/20/2007)
In her first visit to the country, Sen. Klobuchar spent time in Anbar province and Baghdad. She also talked with lead military commanders and Minnesota National Guard members. (03/20/2007)
Minnesota Public Radio listeners offer their thoughts on the choices America faces in Iraq. (Midday, 03/19/2007)
This week marks the fourth anniversary of the Iraq war. What do four years of fighting really add up to? (03/19/2007)
On March 19, 2003, President Bush announced that he had begun "military operations to disarm Iraq, to free its people and to defend the world from grave danger." Four years later America remains in Iraq, and the country is divided over how to proceed. (Midday, 03/19/2007)
Sen. Amy Klobuchar, D-Minn., was in Iraq Saturday as part of a bipartisan congressional delegation. (03/18/2007)
The number of homeless veterans will likely grow, experts say, because of the kinds of trauma troops are now facing. (03/14/2007)
April 4, 2004. American troops on patrol in Baghdad's Sadr City slum came under fire from Iraqi militants -- hundreds of them. ABC's Martha Raddatz says it was a turning point in the war. She's out with a new book on the battle, the soldiers who fought in it and their families. (Midday, 03/14/2007)
Pawlenty says the trips are a way for him to visit with the 2,600 Minnesota National Guard troops stationed in Iraq and Minnesota soldiers stationed in Afghanistan. But others speculate that he's burnishing his foreign policy credentials with an eye on higher office. (03/09/2007)
The scandal over outpatient care at Walter Reed Army Medical Center has highlighted the difficulties faced by veterans injured in the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. Midmorning's guests say the problems have been evident for years. (Midmorning, 03/09/2007)
Col. Neal Loidolt, chief of staff of the National Guard Infantry Division based in Rosemount, talks about the impact of the governor's recent surprise visit to bolster Minnesota's Guard members currently serving in Iraq. (03/08/2007)
The Afghanistan trip follows the governor's trip to Iraq. (03/08/2007)
Gov. Tim Pawlenty has made a surprise trip to Iraq to visit National Guard members and other Minnesota soldiers serving there. Pawlenty requested the trip after 2,600 Minnesota Guard members had their tour of duty extended into the summer. (03/07/2007)
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