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Coverage from Minnesota Public Radio

The day before President Bush unveils his Iraq plan, Sen. Ted Kennedy, D-Mass., gives what is billed as a "major policy address on the Iraq war" at the National Press Club in Washington. (Midday, 01/09/2007)
Three seasoned war reporters discussed the similarities and differences between the Iraq War and the Vietnam War Saturday in New York City at an event organized by the New York Times. (Midday, 01/08/2007)
Iraq was the most important issue in the mid-term elections and the war played a major role in stripping the GOP of its control of Congress. Now, most of Minnesota's delegation seems prepared to fight any proposal for additional troops. (01/05/2007)
In Baghdad's Shiite enclave of Sadr City, people danced in the streets while others fired guns in the air to celebrate the former dictator's death. (12/29/2006)
After the invasion of Iraq, the Coalition Provisional Authority was supposed to guide the reconstruction of both the Iraqi government and basic services. A former Washington Post reporter in Baghdad writes that the failure of the CPA to do so can be traced to the rarified life inside the fortified Green Zone. (Midmorning, 12/28/2006)
Medics with the Minnesota Guard's 1-125th Field Artillery Battalion stationed in Iraq helpstaff Iraq's only specialty burn center. (12/21/2006)
There are three funerals this week for Minnesota National Guard soldiers, and 600 troops from the Minnesota Air National Guard are headed to Iraq next month. The adjutant general of the Minnesota National Guard talks about how the war is affecting the troops. (Midday, 12/14/2006)
The Iraq Study Group's new report calls for an immediate diplomatic approach to solving the violence in Iraq. Midmorning looks at whether the violence already has resulted in the dividing of a society where Muslims sects used to live together. (Midmorning, 12/07/2006)
While some politicians hope the Iraq Study Group findings will provide a blueprint to greater success in Iraq, some Minnesota veterans disagreed with several of the report's recommendations. (12/06/2006)
Hours after the Minnesota National Guard announced the death of a third soldier in Iraq this week, it said Wednesday more 600 additional Minnesota Air National Guard members would be deployed to southwest Asia early next year. (12/06/2006)
Brian Atwood, dean of the University of Minnesota's Humphrey Institute, analyzes the bipartisan Iraq Study Group report. (Midday, 12/06/2006)
President Bush's policy in Iraq "is not working," a high-level commission said bluntly on Wednesday, prodding the administration to use diplomacy to stabilize the country and allow withdrawal of most American combat troops by early 2008. (12/06/2006)
A Minnesota National Guard soldier lost both of his legs in the same bomb blast in Iraq that killed two of his best friends. (12/05/2006)
Cathy Wurzer talked with Michael Barnett about American involvement in Iraq (12/05/2006)
As the Iraq Study Group releases its report on America's future in Iraq, a group that included academics, military personnel, veterans and concerned citizens discussed America's policy options in Iraq. (12/05/2006)
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