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Coverage from Minnesota Public Radio

The two Minnesota National Guard soldiers who were killed in Iraq this weekend were from the same unit based in Crookston. (12/04/2006)
Some experts argue that newsrooms are sanitizing images from Iraq and Afghanistan for popular consumption. Midmorning examines the role of graphic war coverage. (Midmorning, 11/15/2006)
Veterans of the Iraq war are surviving more devastating injuries than ever before. A new book examines the physical and psychological trauma that some vets never escape. (Midmorning, 11/10/2006)
Staff Sgt. Kevin Witte was one of more than 100 members of the military who died in the war in October. (11/01/2006)
Minnesota's major party U.S. Senate candidates each offer a different approach to dealing with the war in Iraq. (10/26/2006)
A U.S. Army soldier who grew up in western Minnesota has died of injuries suffered when a bomb exploded near his vehicle during a combat patrol in Iraq. (10/23/2006)
Two leading Republican senators say the U.S. may need to seek a new course in Iraq. Meanwhile, President Bush says the U.S. has no plan to pull out. What course should America take in Iraq? (Midday, 10/18/2006)
Army Sgt. Jared Winters, 27, was on patrol in an armored Humvee near Balad, Iraq, when he was wounded, according to his parents. (10/10/2006)
Former Secretary of State Colin Powell said Tuesday in Minneapolis the United States was, "dead wrong," when the government said Saddam Hussein was stockpiling weapons of mass destruction. (10/03/2006)
The soldiers were in a Bradley fighting vehicle that was hit by an improvised explosive device near Fallujah last week. (10/02/2006)
Minnesota U.S. Sen. Mark Dayton is urging the Bush administration to fully release a National intelligence estimate on the war on terror. (09/28/2006)
A St. Cloud State University professor who's back in his home country of Iraq says security concerns have kept him from seeing his family. (09/27/2006)
A new MPR-Pioneer Press poll says only 14 percent of Minnesotans think the Bush administration was right to fight the Iraq war. We get a status check on the Iraq war and the politics surrounding it. (Midday, 09/27/2006)
The latest MPR/St. Paul Pioneer Press poll shows a continued erosion of support for President Bush in Minnesota. The pollster says the war in Iraq is to blame for the continued downslide. (09/27/2006)
National Public Radio reporter and newscaster Corey Flintoff says reporting on the Iraq war presents a series of unique challenges with imperfect solutions. Flintoff spoke Monday at Macalester College as part of Minnesota Public Radio's Broadcast Journalist Series. (Midday, 09/19/2006)
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