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Coverage from Minnesota Public Radio

A shortage of military chaplains is adding an additional strain on members of the National Guard and their families. One chaplain who has served in Iraq discusses the support systems soldiers need for spiritual health. (Midmorning, 03/06/2007)
As part of their new security plan, U.S. and Iraqi troops are preparing to begin sweeps in Baghdad's Shiite-dominated Sadr City area. What happens if President Bush's plan to pacify Iraq doesn't work? (Midday, 03/02/2007)
A U.S. Marine from Maple Lake, Minnesota was killed Wednesday during combat in Iraq. The Defense Department says Sgt. Chad Allen, 25, was killed in Al Anbar province. (03/01/2007)
The Defense Department says a Marine from Maple Lake, Minnesota, Sgt. Chad Allen, was killed Wednesday during combat in Iraq. He is the second Minnesotan killed in Iraq this week. Army Sgt. William Beardsley of Coon Rapids died Monday in Diwaniyah, Iraq, when a bomb exploded near his vehicle. (03/01/2007)
Minnesota's senior U.S. senator, Republican Norm Coleman, discusses the war in Iraq and other major issues facing Congress. He also takes questions from MPR listeners. (Midday, 02/26/2007)
Controversy over the war in Iraq dogs Vice President Dick Cheney as he visits Australia, to thank one of Washington's staunchest supporters of the war. Hours before Cheney's arrival, police clashed with a few hundred protesters at Sydney's town hall. Britain and other allies have announced plans to begin withdrawing their troops from Iraq. (Midday, 02/22/2007)
The Democratic-controlled House issued a symbolic rejection of President Bush's plan to deploy more troops to Iraq on Friday, approving the nonbinding resolution by a vote of 246-182. (02/16/2007)
The House of Representatives has spent days debating a non-binding resolution criticizing President Bush's troop increase in Iraq. Members of Minnesota's congressional delegation were among the many to voice their opinions. (Midday, 02/16/2007)
Minnesota's House members have had taken their turns during the debate over President Bush's proposal to send more troops to Iraq. Only two of the eight members say they support the president's plan. A House vote on the non-binding resolution is expected sometime Friday. (02/16/2007)
Nicky Inskeep and her husband Jason are both members of Minnesota's National Guard serving in different units. Jason is currently on an extended tour in Iraq while Nicky is staying home with their four-year-old daughter, Kirsten. (02/16/2007)
President Bush sheds more light about his Iraq policy during a news conference Wednesday morning, even as the House debates a resolution against his troop build-up. Bush is holding his first news conference since December. (Midmorning, 02/14/2007)
The future of a non-binding Senate resolution opposing President Bush's plan to increase troop levels in Iraq is uncertain, after Republicans won a procedural vote on Monday to delay it. What power does Congress ultimately have to influence policy in Iraq? (Midday, 02/06/2007)
A Minnesota National Guard soldier who died at Camp Adder in Iraq was found in his room in his barracks after apparently suffering a heart attack or aneurysm. (02/03/2007)
A group of Iraq War veterans is launching a national TV ad campaign arguing that politicians who fail to oppose a troop buildup in Iraq "don't support the troops." The group is targeting Republican U.S. Sen. Norm Coleman of Minnesota. (01/29/2007)
President Bush, on a collision course with Congress over Iraq, said Friday "I'm the decision-maker" about sending more troops to the war. He challenged skeptical lawmakers not to prematurely condemn his plan. A member of the Iraq Study Group weighs in on the debate. (Midday, 01/26/2007)
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