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Coverage from Minnesota Public Radio

A new Minnesota Public Radio news poll shows most Minnesotans support an October 1 deadline for withdrawing U.S. troops from Iraq. Most also oppose the president's plan to send more troops to Iraq. (05/13/2007)
Another Minnesota family is grieving the death of a soldier in Iraq. A 27-year-old Minneapolis man was killed by a roadside bomb earlier this week. (05/08/2007)
Former Minneapolis restaurateur Sami Rasouli returns to Iraq at the end of May for the fourth time since 2004 to continue work his daunting quest: helping to pacify his war-torn homeland. (Midday, 05/03/2007)
Minnesota's two U.S. senators have very different reactions to President Bush's veto of a $124 billion Iraq war spending bill. Republican Norm Coleman supports the president's veto, while DFLer Amy Klobuchar is critical. (05/02/2007)
It was May 1, 2003 when President Bush addressed the nation from the deck of the USS Abraham Lincoln and declared an end to major combat operations in Iraq. Four years later, Saddam Hussein has been found and executed, but the war continues. (Midday, 05/01/2007)
A defiant Democratic-controlled Senate passed legislation Thursday that would require the start of troop withdrawals from Iraq by Oct. 1, propelling Congress toward a historic veto showdown with President Bush on the war. (04/26/2007)
The Democrat-controlled Congress and President Bush want to steer the Iraq war in starkly different directions. How will the power struggle over war funding and withdrawal timetables play out? (Midday, 04/25/2007)
A loosely organized group of Minnesotans has been sending thousands of care packages to troops deployed in the war on terrorism. Without "Operation Minnesota Nice," many of these members of the military would receive little or no mail. (04/22/2007)
Former Iraqi Defense Minister Ali Allawi says President Bush's troop build-up is helping, but only "to a limited extent." Speaking on a panel at the Kennedy Library in Boston, Allawi said the buildup "in and of itself is insufficient to resolve the political crisis in Iraq." (Midday, 04/18/2007)
The family of a Minnesota Marine don't believe the official version of the events that led to Jonathan Schulze's suicide, but they said Monday they won't keep fighting the Veterans Administration. (04/16/2007)
Army Sgt. Joshua Schmit, 26, was 10 days away from leaving Iraq. He survived three previous roadside bombings. (04/15/2007)
Nearly a quarter of active Minnesota National Guard members are deployed in Iraq. That's an unusually high percentage compared to other states. (04/12/2007)
Arizona Sen. John McCain, whose campaign for the Republican presidential nomination has been lagging financially, stands by President Bush's unpopular policy in Iraq. But McCain admits that "Democrats view [Iraq] as a political opportunity and Republicans view it as a political burden." (Midday, 04/12/2007)
Speaking at the University of Minnesota's Humphrey Institute, U.S. Rep. Betty McCollum, D-Minn., said she doesn't think President Bush's plans for Iraq can succeed, but with more resources, Afghanistan is "doable." (Midday, 04/12/2007)
Army Spec. Conor G. Masterson, 21, died Saturday of wounds he suffered when an improvised explosive device detonated near his vehicle in eastern Afghanistan. "Conor was a wonderful, caring person who made a lot of people happy," his mother said. (04/09/2007)
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