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Coverage from Minnesota Public Radio

Minnesota National Guard soldiers returning from war will have free access to mental health counselors based at their armories. (10/10/2007)
While Minnesota welcomed home some 2,600 National Guard members from Iraq during the summer, many more of them are still deployed overseas. We caught up with one of them in Iraq. (10/10/2007)
Minnesotans by an almost 2-to-1 margin say in a new poll that things aren't going well for the U.S. effort to bring stability to Iraq, but there's much less agreement on whether a quick exit is the right step. (10/08/2007)
Minnesota lawmakers say they're hopeful an Army review will lead to greater educational benefits for members of the Minnesota National Guard who served in Iraq. But just in case, Rep. John Kline introduced legislation that would resolve the problem. (10/04/2007)
Blackwater's owner told a Congresisonal panel that allegations of wrongdoing are "baseless." Rep. Betty McCollum doesn't buy it. (10/02/2007)
More than 4 million Iraqis have been displaced from their homes. Who's taking them in? And who isn't? (09/27/2007)
Kline, who has been a supporter of President Bush's Iraq policy, said he was particularly impressed with the improved security in the Anbar province capital of Ramadi. (09/25/2007)
Chad Malmberg, a St. Paul native, is the first Minnesota National Guard member since World War II to receive the medal, which is awarded for gallantry in combat. (09/22/2007)
Staff Sgt. Chad Malmberg distinguished himself when he led 15 American soldiers in a fierce, nearly hourlong firefight against 30 Iraqi insurgents on Jan. 27. He will honored for "gallantry in action" at a ceremony Saturday. (09/20/2007)
Minnesota native and State Department diplomat Thomas Wise talks about his year working as part of the Provincial Reconstruction Team in Iraq. (Midday, 09/18/2007)
Lt. Col. (ret.) Deanna Germain was a nurse and caregiver to the U.S. soldiers and Iraqi prisoners at Abu Ghraib. (09/17/2007)
A new book asks historians of the American war in Vietnam to compare it to the war in Iraq. (Midmorning, 09/17/2007)
Midday discusses the military and diplomatic reports on the Iraq war, and examines the reaction from President Bush and Congress. (Midday, 09/14/2007)
Midday talks to Ambassador Barbara Bodine for her reaction to Gen. David Petraeus and U.S. Ambassador to Iraq Ryan Crocker's assessment of progress in Iraq. (Midday, 09/12/2007)
Now that Congress has heard reports from Gen. Petraeus and Ambassador Crocker, the wrangling begins over when and how many troops will withdraw from Iraq. (Midmorning, 09/12/2007)
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