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Coverage from Minnesota Public Radio

With a year left in office, the Bush administration has begun discussions with the Iraqi government on America's long-term relationship with that country. What that relationship will look like, and what kind of presence the U.S. military will have in Iraq, is prompting debate in Washington. (Midmorning, 01/29/2008)
Minnesota's two U.S. senators agree Congress will pass an economic stimulus plan, as the president called for in Monday night's State of the Union speech. (01/29/2008)
Whether or when to remove U.S. troops from Iraq is one of the most difficult challenges the United States faces, and Gerard Powers, director of policy studies at the Joan B. Kroc Institute for International Peace Studies at the University of Notre Dame, says as it relates to troop withdrawal, some are suffering from a kind of moral myopia. (Midday, 01/17/2008)
Midmorning speaks with two Minnesota lawmakers who spent time in Afghanistan and Iraq this winter, surveying Minnesota's role in war. (Midmorning, 01/16/2008)
A soldier who grew up in Wisconsin and recently moved to Minnesota has died in Iraq. (01/11/2008)
Special reports from National Public Radio reporters Anne Garrels, Guy Raz, Tom Bowman and Corey Flintoff on the current situation in Iraq. (Midday, 01/11/2008)
In November 2004, U.S. Army soldiers attempted to retake the Iraqi city of Fallujah. A new memoir from a soldier on the ground there describes the battle within a ruined city that was among the most intense and deadly of the war in Iraq. (Midmorning, 01/08/2008)
Just back from his fifth trip to Iraq, Republican Sen. Norm Coleman says the U.S. goal should be to play a "secondary" military role in Iraq by the end of this year. (01/07/2008)
Joshua Anderson was a life-long resident of Jordan, in southern Minnesota. Pfc. Anderson was killed last week when a roadside bomb exploded near his vehicle. (01/04/2008)
2007 was a deadly year in Iraq, and 2008 has already started with a suicide bombing that killed more than 30 people. Ambassador Barbara Bodine joins Midday to discuss the political, military, economic and humanitarian situation in Iraq. (Midday, 01/02/2008)
The year 2007 proved to be the deadliest year for U.S. troops fighting in Iraq, with 899 troops killed. Sixteen members of the military with strong Minnesota ties died in Iraq and Afghanistan this past year, along with a military contractor from the state. (12/31/2007)
A young Minnesota man, who joined the National Guard to earn money for college, talks about getting back to civilian life after being deployed to Iraq for 16 months. (12/21/2007)
A national soldier reintegration program, which got its start with the Minnesota National Guard, is on its way to approval in the U.S. Senate. The "yellow ribbon' program is intended to offer medical, career and educational support to troops who come home from war. (Midday, 12/13/2007)
A soldier who lived for two years outside the northern Minnesota town of Bovey before he joined the Army and went to Iraq loved video games and comic books, his brother said. (12/11/2007)
Iraqi-American Abbas Mehdi is back in Minnesota after spending 14 months helping rebuild his country's economy. (Midday, 12/06/2007)
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