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Coverage from Minnesota Public Radio

Another Minnesota soldier died this week in Baghdad. Sgt. 1st Class John Tobiason of Hayfield was 42. Little is known about how Tobiason died. It's reported that he stepped out of a tent and shots were fired. (11/30/2007)
Abbas Mehdi, a former Iraqi cabinet member and St. Cloud State University professor predicts big problems for Iraq as thousands of refugees begin streaming back into that country. Mehdi recently returned from an extended stay in Iraq. (11/30/2007)
Blackwater Worldwide is perhaps one of the higher-profile private military contractors in Iraq, but they're not the only one. Blackwater's involvement in the killing of 17 civilians in Iraq and the subsequent investigations highlight the problem holding soldiers for hire accountable when things go wrong. (Midmorning, 11/30/2007)
A former sheriff's deputy from Chisago County in Minnesota has been killed while working as a security contractor in Iraq. (11/27/2007)
While 2007 was bloody year in Iraq, both Iraqi and American deaths have dropped significantly in recent months. The U.S. military says shootings, bombings and other killings are down 55 percent since June. Can we make the current lull in violence permanent? (Midday, 11/20/2007)
Upon returning from Iraq this year, nearly half of the soldiers of the 1st Brigade Combat Team of the 34th Infantry Division discovered they weren't eligible for full education benefits under the GI Bill. More than 600 soldiers have had their eligibility restored so far. (11/16/2007)
A longtime military correspondent and newspaper columnist discusses the challenges facing America's armed forces today. (Midday, 11/09/2007)
The strong alliance between the United States and Turkey dates back to the early years of the Cold War. But today, new challenges threaten this longstanding partnership. (Midday, 11/07/2007)
Employers met face to face Tuesday with current and former members of the military who are looking for new jobs. Organizers of the veterans job fair say these soldiers possess many skills in high demand in the workplace. (11/06/2007)
Congressman Keith Ellison has launched an independent investigation into Guantanamo detainee, Sami al'Haj. (11/06/2007)
Once they've survived tours in Iraq and Afghanistan, military veterans have to either reclaim jobs held for them or look for new work. Job search expert Amy Lindgren offers ideas for former soldiers in the midst of transition. (Midmorning, 11/05/2007)
A recent study from the Department of Veterans Affairs shows that the number of Iraq and Afghanistan vets diagnosed with post-traumatic stress disorder is rising rapidly, and some say the VA is failing to meet the mental health needs of returning soldiers. (Midmorning, 11/02/2007)
NPR's Baghdad Bureau Chief Jamie Tarabay answers listener questions about the war in Iraq. (Midday, 11/01/2007)
Zalmay Khalilzad, the U.S. permanent representative to the United Nations, speaks to the National Press Club. Khalilzad is the former U.S. ambassador to Iraq and Afghanistan. (Midday, 10/19/2007)
President Bush is advising Turkey not to send troops into northern Iraq to go after Kurdish rebels there. Meanwhile, it appears the U.S. House is backing off a resolution condemning the Ottoman Turks' World War I-era killing of Armenians as a "genocide." Turkey strenuously objected to the resolution. (Midday, 10/18/2007)
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