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Coverage from Minnesota Public Radio

A correspondent who covered the Iraq war talks about his experiences. (Midmorning, 10/30/2008)
A former commander of the First Brigade of the First Armored Division in Iraq discusses mistakes and progress made at the beginning of the war, and lessons learned for fighting the Iraq war today. (Midmorning, 10/24/2008)
American RadioWorks investigates the mysterious death of an Iraq War veteran and uncovers new allegations of detainee abuse. This powerful documentary follows members of a U.S. Army unit and their struggle to come to terms with what they did, and didn't do, in Iraq. (Midday, 10/07/2008)
U.S. Army Gen. David Petraeus, who is credited with curbing sectarian violence in Iraq, is expected to hand over his role to U.S. Lt. Gen. Raymond Odierno. Midday explores how Petraeus changed the war in Iraq, and what will happen when he hands off his responsibilities to Odierno. (Midday, 09/16/2008)
President Bush announced the planned withdrawal of a total of 8,000 troops from Iraq by early next year. In a new book, a journalist and former Marine assesses the state of Iraq, and the choices facing the next president. (Midmorning, 09/10/2008)
Fifty-one members of the 934th Air Lift Wing are leaving Minneapolis today to serve a tour of duty in Iraq. (09/08/2008)
About 320 members of the Minnesota Air National Guard are headed to Iraq again. (09/06/2008)
Police hauled detained protesters to jail by the busload after using smoke and concussion grenades to disperse groups of roving protesters in St. Paul on the final day of the Republican National Convention. (09/04/2008)
Journalist and author Ron Suskind alleges in this latest book that the Bush administration knew there were no weapons of mass destruction in Iraq before the 2003 invasion. He claims that the president's advisers, with the help of the CIA, invented the evidence. (Midmorning, 09/02/2008)
U.S. Senate candidate Al Franken is one-upping a call from his opponent, Republican Norm Coleman, for the United States to rescind funds it's sending to Iraq for reconstruction of that country. (08/11/2008)
U.S. Sen. Norm Coleman says he'll push to rescind $1 billion in U.S. funding for Iraqi reconstruction -- responding to a report that Iraq could finish the year with as much as a $79 billion cumulative budget surplus. (08/08/2008)
A progress report from a member of the team of analysts invited to Iraq by Gen. David Patraeus for 10 days of research on security and political progress in Iraq's three largest cities. (Midday, 08/04/2008)
Ceremonies were held today for two Minnesota National Guard units heading to Iraq -- one in Oklahoma, the other in St. Paul. (08/04/2008)
They are members of the 34th Combat Aviation Brigade, which will command and maintain Blackhawk, Apache and Chinook helicopters. (08/01/2008)
As the Iraqi government and the Bush administration negotiate the future of the U.S. military presence in Iraq, presidential candidates are talking about whether withdrawal of forces can begin to happen next year. (Midmorning, 07/24/2008)
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