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Coverage from Minnesota Public Radio

More than 1,000 Minnesota National Guard troops will ship out to Iraq in the next few weeks. Members of the 34th Red Bull Infantry Division, have trained at Ft. Lewis Washington for the last two months. (04/14/2009)
An Army sergeant accused of killing his squad leader and another soldier shouted "my career's over, just kill me" as soldiers pinned him to the ground after he shot the men in Iraq, members of their unit told a military judge Monday. (04/14/2009)
President Barack Obama flew unannounced into Iraq on Tuesday and promptly declared it was time for Iraqis to "take responsibility for their country" after America's commitment of six years and thousands of lives. (04/07/2009)
Some National Guard members bound for Iraq are anxious about leaving jobs and responsibilities when the economy is so shaky. For others, the assignment provides guaranteed income during a rough market and the hope that things will be better when they come home next winter. (03/30/2009)
Reflections on the past and future of the war, from a diplomat with 30 years of experience in the Middle East and Iraq. (Midday, 03/18/2009)
The group will be responsible for sensor management and administrative, logistical and maintenance support for six radar teams that will be stationed around Baghdad. (03/12/2009)
As a military correspondent covering the war in Iraq, Tom Ricks got a firsthand view of how the U.S. military changed its approach to the Iraqi insurgency and transformed the situation on the ground. (Midmorning, 03/03/2009)
Declaring "I have come to speak to you about how the war in Iraq will end," President Barack Obama on Friday announced that all U.S. combat troops will be withdrawn by the end of August 2010. (02/27/2009)
Enemy fire caused two U.S. Army helicopters to collide in Iraq last month, killing four American pilots including one from Minnesota. (02/27/2009)
President Barack Obama outlines his plans for the withdrawal of U.S. combat troops from Iraq, during a speech at Camp LeJeune Marine Base in North Carolina. The administration now considers Aug. 31, 2010, the end date for Iraq war operations. (Midday, 02/27/2009)
At his final news conference, President George W. Bush looked back on his presidency and looked ahead to what may be his successor's greatest challenges. (Midday, 01/12/2009)
The troops head off next week for several months of training before being deployed to Iraq. It will be the largest deployment of Wisconsin National Guard troops since World War II. (01/01/2009)
President George W. Bush said "there can be no debate" about his record of preventing another terrorist attack. The President made his remarks during a speech on his security policies at the U.S. Army War College. (Midday, 12/18/2008)
National Guard commanders say a large deployment of Minnesota troops this spring marks a new phase for the guard and for Iraq. More than 1,000 soldiers will head to Iraq to assist Iraqis as they take over their own security. (Midday, 12/12/2008)
More than 1,000 Minnesota National Guard soldiers deploy to Iraq next spring for a year-long mission. (12/11/2008)
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