
People & Places

  • Marine pilots' stories collected in new book
    Two Minnesotans have collected stories written by themselves and other Marine pilots and published them in a new book, Marine Wings.November 12, 2007
  • Leo Thorsness' flight into history
    Leo Thorsness earned the Medal of Honor during the Vietnam War. The Air Force pilot received the nation's top combat award for a 1967 mission over North Vietnam.November 12, 2007
  • Orphans of the AIDS epidemic
    Journalist and author Melissa Fay Greene tracks the tragic impact of AIDS in Ethiopia, and the efforts of one Ethiopian woman to care for orphans of the epidemic.Midmorning, November 12, 2007
  • One employer eases a vet's deployment and reintegration to civilian life
    Some business go to great lengths to help employees and their families when they're called up for military service. That assistance, says one central Minnesota man, helped make his deployment and transition back to civilian life, more manageable.November 11, 2007
  • Film explores the good and bad of Joe Strummer
    When Joe Strummer, the leader of the British punk rock band The Clash died, many of his fans were left with unresolved questions about music, fame, and idealism. A new documentry called, "Joe Strummer: the future is unwritten," tries to find some of the answers.November 9, 2007
  • Why the glass ceiling still exists
    Recent research reveals a dilemma for women leaders, trying to exhibit leadership and toughness. Midmorning explores the challenges to finding a straightforward answer to why there aren't more women leaders in the workplace.Midmorning, November 8, 2007
  • History is written in the notes of classical music
    New Yorker music critic Alex Ross has chronicled the changes in 20th century culture through classical music. NPR's Tom Crann talks to Ross about his new book, "The Rest is Noise: Listening to the Twentieth Century."November 7, 2007
  • John Waters celebrates 'This Filthy World'
    Early in his career director John Waters made movies to be trashy, and include some offensive scenes. But they made him famous. This weekend Waters, brings his one-man show "This Filthy World" to the Fitzgerald Theater.November 7, 2007
  • U of M program taps new kidney donors
    For patients on dialysis the wait for a donor kidney is longer than ever.November 7, 2007
  • Fair matches Iraq war vets with jobs
    Employers met face to face Tuesday with current and former members of the military who are looking for new jobs. Organizers of the veterans job fair say these soldiers possess many skills in high demand in the workplace.November 6, 2007
  • Howard Jacobson spins a world from 'Kalooki Nights'
    Kalooki is central to British novelist Howard Jacobson's new book. It's a card game in which no one really knows the rules. Jacobson says it's a great way to describe the British Jewish community where he grew up, and he uses it in his new comic novel "Kalooki Nights."November 5, 2007
  • $45K windfall is a lesson for Ojibwe teens
    For teenagers in the Fond du Lac band of Ojibwe, turning 18 is a big deal. That's because each one gets a check for roughly $45,000. The money comes from the profits of the band's casino, but getting the teens to spend it wisely isn't a sure bet.November 2, 2007
  • University MRI lab remains shuttered by bridge collapse
    The MRI lab was not damaged, even though the building sits within 50 feet of the collapsed bridge. But concerns over safety and liability forced the lab to close.November 1, 2007
  • Halloween blackout of '57 spurs creation of portable pacemaker
    Fifty years ago a massive Halloween blackout disrupted power across a highly populated section of Minnesota and western Wisconsin. For most, the outage was simply inconvenient. But for a few young patients it was life-threatening.October 31, 2007
  • Walker Art Center launches major Frida Kahlo Show
    The first U.S. exhibit of renowned Mexican artist Frida Kahlo's work in more than a decade opens this weekend at the Walker Art Center.October 25, 2007

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