
People & Places

  • 'Mr. Walleye's' work is a legacy for the lakes
    Denny Schupp spent nearly 50 years on the state's lakes as a fisheries biologist with the Minnesota DNR. His work created a legacy of knowledge that's still being used today.September 19, 2007
  • Ken Burns' fresh look at World War II
    Award-winning documentary filmmaker Ken Burns speaks at the National Press Club about his newest documentary series, "The War." The series, which begins Sunday night on PBS, takes a different approach to World War II. Luverne, Minnesota is one of the four towns featured in the series.Midday, September 18, 2007
  • Junot Diaz and 'The Brief Wondrous Life of Oscar Wao'
    While most authors strive for clarity, Junot Diaz says he wanted to create a story that would be difficult to grasp. The New York Times described his new novel as "Mario Vargas Llosa meets "Star Trek" meets David Foster Wallace meets Kanye West."September 17, 2007
  • Learning from the garden
    A north Minneapolis elementary school aims to help students grasp new concepts by getting them out of the classroom, and into the dirt.September 17, 2007
  • The older worker's second act
    According to the latest U.S. Census report, more than 26 percent of Minnesota workers are past the typical retirement age of 65. A new book suggests these older workers look at careers that might bring more meaning to their lives.Midmorning, September 17, 2007
  • A new approach to training pets
    One author and trainer has a new approach to training pets that rejects aggression and dominance.Midday, September 13, 2007
  • Dentists visit schools to help low-income kids
    Thousands of children in St. Paul will get free or low-cost dental checkups this year. The care doesn't come from a government program, but from a partnership between businesses and nonprofit groups.September 13, 2007
  • The weeHouse comes to Linden Hills
    A tree-lined street in the Linden Hills neighborhood of Minneapolis just got a new neighbor. A house featuring a revolutionary design arrived on Ewing Street on the back of a truck.September 12, 2007
  • Minneapolis may become ringleader in circus animal protection
    The Minneapolis City Council takes up an issue not usually on its agenda -- the safety of circus animals.September 12, 2007
  • Physician, write thyself
    Dr. Vincent Lam has seen a lot during his career as an emergency room physician in Toronto, from mundane scrapes and broken limbs, to the mysterious horrors of the SARS epidemic, which hit the city a few years back. He's written about his experiences in a new collection of short stories.September 10, 2007
  • Chinese lessons take students far
    Students returning to school this fall may be complaining about their classes. It's back to a routine of homework and grades. However, two students at Fridley High School say it's worth it. What they learned in class took them halfway around the world this summer.September 10, 2007
  • Luverne prepares for 'The War'
    Thursday is a big day in the city of Luverne, in southwest Minnesota. The town will host the world premiere of Ken Burns' new film "The War."September 6, 2007
  • Ken Burns on 'The War'
    Ken Burns' latest project, "The War," documents the lives of men and women in four towns, including Luverne, Minnesota, who carried on with everyday life while their soldiers were overseas during World War II.Midday, September 5, 2007
  • Texting, not talking
    Mobile phone text messaging has spawned a lexicon of its own. These tools have also led to ever-shorter communiques. Future Tense host Jon Gordon considers how this style of communication affects the English language.September 5, 2007
  • Anarchists prepare to protest RNC
    Members of a self-described anarchist group spent Labor Day weekend outlining protest plans.September 3, 2007

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