
People & Places

  • Toy safety scare is a boon to Minnesota toymakers
    Some Minnesota toymakers say business is booming this holiday season thanks in large part to concerns about the safety of imported toys.November 23, 2007
  • Thanksgiving is bittersweet for southeast Minnesota flood victims
    Three months after flash flooding, many residents are still filling out paperwork and looking for housing.November 22, 2007
  • A Meals on Wheels program fights crime perception and funding cuts
    Food service for seniors in north Minneapolis experiences a waiting list for the first time in its history.November 21, 2007
  • How to record your own family's oral history
    Many families meet at Thanksgiving to share food and share stories. What is the best way to preserve those stories for future generations?Midday, November 21, 2007
  • BusTales and other transit adventures
    If America is a melting pot then buses are like moving cauldrons. Weird things can happen when passengers from every imaginable walk of life board the bus. Regular riders often have wild stories to tell. A Minneapolis man has created an online repository where these stories can be shared.November 20, 2007
  • The Neuter Commuter hits the road
    The people who run the Neuter Commuter are fixing to fix more pets. But Minnesota law won't let them do it for free and they say that's a problem.November 19, 2007
  • Hundreds of students skip class to protest Iraq war
    The protesters called for the immediate return of the troops, a diversion of funds from the war effort to education and an end to military recruiting in high schools.November 16, 2007
  • Wing Young Huie searches for Asian America
    Photographer Wing Young Huie offers Minnesotans a chance to look at themselves. For his well-known projects "Frogtown" and "Lake Street" he captured extraordinary images of ordinary people in St. Paul and Minneapolis. However in Huie's new book, "Looking for Asian America", he went in search of himself.November 16, 2007
  • Nathan Englander writes about 'the dirty war'
    Nathan Englander's new book "The Ministry of Special Cases" is set against Argentina's 'dirty war.' It was the time in the late 1970s when thousands of people disappeared -- kidnapped and murdered by the military junta. Englander says the book grew out of a trip to Jerusalem.November 15, 2007
  • How street signs turn drivers into donors
    A public art project at the Minneapolis Public Library is designed to get visitors to consider panhandlers in a new light.November 15, 2007
  • St. Paul restaurant lives on
    St. Paul has had a slew of restaurant closings this year: Fhima's, Margaux and A Rebours. In one St. Paul neighborhood, patrons were upset when their local restaurant, 128 cafe closed. Now as the restaurant re-opens, local foodies are discussing the importance of neighborhood restaurants to the neighborhood, and to the city.November 15, 2007
  • The American Dream for some
    Two out of three Americans are making more money today than their parents did in the '60s, but for African-American men, that statistic is much lower.Midmorning, November 14, 2007
  • Joe Sacco goes to war to write a comic book
    Joe Sacco works as a war correspondent. He goes to a war zone, takes notes and photographs, then returns home, and creates a 250-page comic book.November 13, 2007
  • Central American bird roosting in Two Harbors neighborhood
    The inca dove thrives in an area stretching from Central America to the American Southwest. So what's it doing in Two Harbors?November 13, 2007
  • Vietnam vets remember Dale Wayrynen's sacrifice
    During the Vietnam War, five Minnesotans were awarded the Medal of Honor. One of those to receive the nation's highest military award was an Army solider from the northern part of the state.November 13, 2007

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