
People & Places

  • Roger's Christmas story
    This is a Christmas story about a boy named Roger. Roger was put into foster care when he was 11 years old, and spent several years bouncing around various homes. He wanted to be adopted, and never gave up hope that he would find a family.December 24, 2007
  • Foster care helps restore IQ in neglected children
    New research suggests when children are placed in high quality foster homes, they can recover from neglect and may not be permanently impaired. But placing children before age 2 is crucial to their development. Child development scientist Charles Nelson talks about his experiences studying children in foster care and orphanages in Romania.Midmorning, December 24, 2007
  • The vet talks pets
    Veterinarian Kate An Hunter and her dog, Ansel, stop by the MPR studios to answer questions about animal training and behavior.Midday, December 21, 2007
  • Homayoun Ershadi's strange trip to stardom
    There are many ways of becoming an actor. Take the story of an international movie star with a big role in the new adaptation of "The Kite Runner." Homayoun Ershadi got his big break sitting at a traffic light.December 21, 2007
  • Stories off the sidewalk
    For several years, StoryCorps booths have allowed ordinary people relate their own stories to be preserved in a huge and growing collection in the Library of Congress.Midmorning, December 20, 2007
  • Local donors help replace stolen Christmas gifts
    Many people are donating toys to a Maplewood, Minn., man after a thief stole a truckload of toys meant for needy children.December 20, 2007
  • The Christmas tree debate: Real or fake?
    Did you think of the ecological consequences of your Christmas tree? Minnesota Public Radio did some homework on whether real or artificial trees are better for the environment.December 20, 2007
  • No loafing for this Minneapolis baker
    Solveig Tofte, the head baker at Turtle Bread Company in Minneapolis, is training for the "Olympics of Baking."December 20, 2007
  • Pool safety bill signed by President Bush
    President Bush signed legislation Wednesday aimed at strengthening pool safety, six months after a 6-year-old girl had part of her intestinal tract torn out by a drain's powerful suction at a wading pool.December 19, 2007
  • Minnesota, land of 'Amber Waters'
    The colorful evolution of beermaking in Minnesota is documented in a new book published by the University of Minnesota Press. "Land of Amber Waters: The History of Brewing in Minnesota" follows the changing industry as it goes from local to regional to national, and back again.December 19, 2007
  • Two Minnesotans receive France's Legion of Honor award
    The Minnesota State Capitol has a French feel this afternoon. Two Minnesotans who served in World War II received France's highest award - The Legion of Honor. The country started awarding the medal to American servicemen after the 60th anniversary of the D-Day invasion of Normandy.December 18, 2007
  • Orchestral fans take a swing at conducting a virtual orchestra
    While such video games as Guitar Hero and Rock Band offer the chance for players to act out rock star fantasies, an installation at Orchestra Hall in Minneapolis gives classical music fans the opportunity to try out their dreams of conducting a symphony orchestra.December 18, 2007
  • Men and women not happier with kids
    A new study says having kids does not make men happier. The study from the Institute for Social and Economic Research in England says becoming a father fails to increase "life satisfaction" for men. And for women, having kids only makes them happier once the kids are in school.December 18, 2007
  • A century of hockey in Minnesota
    The Minnesota Wild are quietly off to one of their best starts in their seven-year history. The team is on top of its division in the NHL, and has helped put St. Paul back on the hockey map. This month Sports Illustrated named St. Paul the real "Hockeytown USA."December 17, 2007
  • 2007 -- a memorable year
    Some stories are big stories, some are memorable, some are both. MPR journalists each selected a story or show that was their most memorable work of 2007.December 17, 2007

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