
People & Places

  • Sara Paretsky revisits 'Bleeding Kansas'
    After writing a string of hard-boiled detective novels featuring private eye V.I. Warshawski, author Sara Paretsky is returning to her roots. Her new novel, "Bleeding Kansas," is set in a small town on the prairie.January 4, 2008
  • MacPhail's new Center for Music
    The century-old MacPhail Center for Music in Minneapolis is moving to a new home. It leaves a deteriorating building designed to be a department store to go to a state-of-the-art-facility designed with music education and the community in mind.January 3, 2008
  • St. Paul neighborhood projects get boost from national contest
    A young widow who put off restoring her St. Paul fixer-upper after the death of her husband will finally get the job done, thanks to a national do-gooder contest sponsored by HGTV.January 2, 2008
  • Lending a helping hand in Nepal
    Nepal, some 12,000 miles from Minnesota, is one of the poorest countries on the planet. More than 20 years ago a Minnesota couple started a school, health clinics and nutrition programs in Nepal. Now, Earl and Beverly Thompson are wondering who will continue the work.January 2, 2008
  • State's sesquicentennial bash is on tight budget
    The state board created to direct the state's 150th birthday celebration has raised only about $1 million, only a quarter of what had been hoped for.January 1, 2008
  • Answering the tough questions
    Midmorning's ethics expert discusses complex dilemmas that reach beyond the grave.Midmorning, January 1, 2008
  • 'Madness in a bottle' makes a comeback
    For the first time in nearly a century, absinthe is legal in the United States. That means Monday you can party like it's 1899.December 31, 2007
  • FBI renews interest in D.B. Cooper
    The 36-year-old case of D.B. Cooper remains unsolved. The FBI announced Monday it is renewing pursuit of the man who hijacked a Northwest Airlines flight in Washington state back in Nov. 1971. The agency is featuring artists' renderings of Cooper, photographs of evidence and other details of the case.December 31, 2007
  • Metrodome is training ground for marathoners
    One of your New Year's resolutions may be to get more exercise. But getting exercise can be a challenge during the gloomiest, coldest part of the year. Still, every week hundreds of people have found a cheap, accessible, warm place to run off those holiday pounds -- they go to one of the largest buildings in Minneapolis.December 27, 2007
  • Herb Bergson's legacy
    Herb Bergson's time as Duluth mayor is coming to an end. Bergson's four-year term has been over-shadowed by a city government in financial crisis. He faced his own personal crisis in office. But he's also made progress against a huge city debt.December 27, 2007
  • The trumpeter swans come to Monticello
    As many as 1,500 trumpeter swans gather on the Mississippi River in central Minnesota this time of year.December 27, 2007
  • Minnesota woman is a champion beaver skinner
    A Detroit Lakes woman is among the best at a skill once critical to the Minnesota economy.December 26, 2007
  • SPCO helps acclaimed composer document prize-winning music
    George Tsontakis is more interested in getting his music recorded than having it performed in concert. The St. Paul Chamber Orchestra has helped the composer with his goal in its latest CD.December 26, 2007
  • Abuse and recovery
    Some women and men manage to break the cycle of domestic abuse. Midmorning looks at how they do it and what we can learn from their experiences.Midmorning, December 26, 2007
  • Adding up the Advent season
    Christmas brings tidings of comfort and joy. It also inspires people to compile a whole bunch of quirky statistics.December 25, 2007

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