
People & Places

  • Curt Ellis meets King Corn
    When Curt Ellis and Ian Cheney left college they both felt they weren't ready for desk jobs. Since they like to eat, they wanted to learn more about where our food comes from. They planted an acre of corn in Iowa and filmed what they learned. The resulting documentary is called "King Corn."December 7, 2007
  • Helene Turnbull writes herself a new job
    A 70-year-old retired high school counselor writes her first play and gets it staged in St. Paul.December 7, 2007
  • After 30 years, an interview with mom
    Community organizer Pakou Hang interviewed her mother, Phoua, who was part of the first wave of Hmong refugees to come to the country. Phoua has now lived in the United States far longer than she lived in Laos and explains her feelings about fitting in here in Minnesota.December 7, 2007
  • Buzz words
    The New Oxford American Dictionary crowns its Word of the Year.December 7, 2007
  • Navigating the space between genders
    People who feel they were born into the wrong gender have a particularly hard time fitting into a society where it is assumed that you are either male or female. Things have improved over the past decade or so, but there is still a long way to go.December 7, 2007
  • Still working at 92
    Lydia Lunney, 92, has been working in almost the same job for 74 years. She's one of the smiling hostesses at Macy's River Room restaurant in downtown St. Paul.December 5, 2007
  • Where tiny loans make a big difference
    A Minneapolis couple recently headed to Uganda to get hands-on experience working to fight poverty using microfinancing.December 4, 2007
  • Congress considering new laws designed to help the homeless
    Changes in the federal definition of homelessness could mean more help for the homeless.December 3, 2007
  • Walker looks forward to crowds for British TV commercials
    Of all the many ways you can celebrate the holiday season, one of the stranger traditions in the Twin Cities is to watch British television commercials. This year the Walker Art Center has scheduled 62 screenings of award-winning commercials from across the pond.November 30, 2007
  • Video blogger learns YouTube stardom has a price
    Minnesota native John Holden recently found himself a YouTube star. It sounds like a dream come true for a video blogger, but it wasn't.November 29, 2007
  • It's "All over but the shouting" - The Replacements get a book
    Jim Walsh has written an oral history of one Minnesota's most beloved rock bands, the Replacements.November 28, 2007
  • A chef's quest for authentic food
    Anthony Bourdain travels the world seeking the most delicious food experiences. He talks about what the rest of world eats, and what makes up the perfect meal.Midmorning, November 27, 2007
  • Brokaw struggles to sum up the '60s
    Retired NBC Nightly News anchor Tom Brokaw dubbed the Americans who fought and won World War II the "Greatest Generation," and the name stuck. But Brokaw can't come up with a single slogan to sum up the subject of his latest book: the generation that came of age during the tumultuous 1960s.Midday, November 26, 2007
  • Copasetic at the Capri in north Minneapolis
    This season, members of a north Minneapolis theater group are hoping to create a new tradition with 'A Copasetic Christmas Carol' at the Capri Theater. The show and the theater are just part of a larger effort to rebuild a once vibrant corridor of Minneapolis.November 23, 2007
  • DNR kills bear after it gets too comfortable around humans
    Minnesota wildlife officials are defending a decision to kill a black bear that had been wandering around Featherstone Township in southeastern Minnesota's Goodhue County.November 23, 2007

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