
People & Places

  • How video cameras could bring societal change
    In many societies, it's taboo for women to speak out about domestic abuse, rape, and forced marriage. But the Minneapolis-based American Refugee Committee's new video project may change that.October 12, 2007
  • Warm concrete and warm fingers are the secret to wintertime bridge construction
    Construct a new I-35W bridge in winter? No sweat, says the project's manager.October 11, 2007
  • The vanishing gorilla
    Despite attention from media and their popularity in zoos, gorillas continue to be endangered in the wild. A recent list of endangered species shows the gorilla population suffers from poaching and the Ebola virus.Midmorning, October 11, 2007
  • Chuck Love spins for the world
    Minneapolis native Chuck Love is a "house DJ." You might not have heard the name, but within the field he's internationally known. What sets Chuck Love apart from most other house DJ's is that he considers himself first and foremost a musician, and he plays several instruments during his live shows.October 10, 2007
  • Steroids and the culture of cheating
    She spent years denying the use of performance enhancing drugs, but sprinter Marion Jones now says she did cheat, and has returned the gold medals she won in the 2000 Olympics. While testing methods have improved, athletes keep finding ways to beat the system.Midmorning, October 10, 2007
  • A story of tragedy and grace
    When accidents happen in the Maine woods, the park wardens there can call on a chaplain uniquely qualified to help with grieving families. That's because the chaplain herself experienced the sudden loss of her Maine state trooper husband.Midmorning, October 9, 2007
  • The quest for the perfect bagel
    A bagel may be just breakfast bread for most Minnesotans. But for some transplants, a truly great bagel is something to be prized. Local food bloggers complain that they've given up on the Great Minnesota Bagel Search, tired of what one writer called the "tire-sized things" bagel chains put out. A new Minneapolis cafe featuring homemade bagels might offer them new hope.October 8, 2007
  • Minnesota film maker explores the tragedy of Darfur
    Minnesota native Annie Sundberg's new documentary "The Devil Came on Horseback" examines the deteriorating situation in Darfur through the eyes of a former US Marine turned peace monitor.October 8, 2007
  • Robin Swicord convenes 'The Jane Austen Book Club'
    When a producer approached filmmaker Robin Swicord with the idea of a film adaptation of the best-selling novel "The Jane Austen Book Club," she leapt at the chance.October 5, 2007
  • Macalester College honors history-making coach
    Macalester College in St. Paul is honoring a former football coach that made history. Don Hudson was the nation's first black head football coach at a predominently white college when he led the Macalester team from 1971-1975. The school is marking the milestone this weekend.October 5, 2007
  • Keillor advocates for historic preservation
    Garrison Keillor, the host of the public radio program A Prairie Home Companion, spoke recently to the National Trust for Historic Preservation conference. He says historic preservation is important not only for the beautification of our cities, but also for the health of our communities.Midday, October 4, 2007
  • Preservation across America
    Midday discusses preservation issues in Minnesota and beyond, and what's in store for the 2007 National Preservation Conference being held in the Twin Cities.Midday, October 1, 2007
  • U of M's 500-year-old map shows first reference to America
    The map, printed from a wood cut in 1507, was part of a suite of prints from a noted cartographer in homage to Amerigo Vespucci.October 1, 2007
  • 'Quiet City' finds an audience while deliberately going nowhere
    The New York Times says Aaron Katz's film "Quiet City" creates "a mood of reflective melancholy reminiscent of the loneliness at the heart of Edward Hopper paintings." Katz will introduce his film at the Oak Street Cinema in Minneapolis this weekend.September 28, 2007
  • Ask the president of MPR
    MPR President Bill Kling will be in the studios to take listener questions about Minnesota Public Radio.Midday, September 28, 2007

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