
People & Places

  • Laurent Tirard seeks Moliere's missing months
    The French hold the playwright Moliere in the high esteem the English-speaking world reserves for Shakespeare. Like the Bard of Avon, there is mystery about Moliere's life. Now a new film explores what may have happened during a six-month period in 1644, when Moliere disappeared.August 10, 2007
  • Newt Gingrich at the National Press Club
    Former Republican Speaker of the House Newt Gingrich address an audience at the National Press Club. A Republican consultant close to Gingrich has said the former speaker may become a 2008 presidential candidate.Midday, August 7, 2007
  • Joe Biden live at the National Press Club
    Sen. Joe Biden, a 2008 presidential candidate, is out with a new autobiography called "Promises to Keep: On Life and Politics."Midday, August 1, 2007
  • The dilemma of being gifted
    Child prodigies have an amazing ability to master tasks that elude many adults. Midmorning takes a closer look at the mysteries and dilemmas that come with the talent of child prodigies.Midmorning, August 1, 2007
  • The politics of presidential libraries
    Presidential libraries are places for scholarship, according to the National Archives. But the attached museums are there to present an era -- and a person -- to the public, for better or worse. Two presidential library directors talk about the intersection of politics and posterity.Midmorning, July 31, 2007
  • St. Louis County considers a split
    There's a renewed effort to split St. Louis County, Minnesota's largest, into two. Some northern county residents may want to go their own way, leaving Duluth and its metropolitan region on its own.July 30, 2007
  • Film director Fredi Murer fulfills his childhood dreams
    When Fredi Murer was a boy, he dreamed of playing the piano like Mozart, doing math like Einstein, and flying like Icarus. None of it came true. Now, 60 years later, Murer is a film director. His new film "Vitus" depicts how he wishes things could have been.July 27, 2007
  • Finding refuge from the heat and humidity
    Minnesota is getting some welcome rain, after several days of hot and muggy weather. People around the region found lots of ways to deal with the heat.July 26, 2007
  • Sen. Norm Coleman's father dies
    The father of U.S. Sen. Norm Coleman has died after a battle with cancer. Norm Coleman Sr. was 82.July 26, 2007
  • Is corn to blame for high humidity?
    Weather experts in Canada and the United States say there's a connection between corn and high dew points.July 25, 2007
  • Jonis Agee imagines criminal life on the Mississippi
    Author Jonis Agee's new novel, "The River Wife," actually tells the story of several wives, five generations of women who live on a piece of land on the Mississippi River in southern Missouri.July 24, 2007
  • Music in a war zone
    A Fergus Falls couple is sending hundreds of musical instruments to soldiers deployed in Iraq.July 24, 2007
  • The meaning of courage
    Midmorning examines a concept that puzzled ancient Greek philosophers: defining the meaning of courage.Midmorning, July 24, 2007
  • The new "Gilded Age"?
    Hefty compensation packages and a strong economy have fueled the rise of a new breed of wealthy and philanthropic chief executive officers, leading some to compare the present to the era of Carnegie and Rockefeller.Midmorning, July 24, 2007
  • Fifth Minnesota sextuplet dies
    Lucia Rae Morrison died Sunday, Childrens Hospitals and Clinics announced Monday. Her death leaves one surviving son, Sylas, from the sextuplets born to Ryan and Brianna Morrison on June 10.July 23, 2007

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