
War & Conflict

  • Looking for an exit strategy
    The debate may be shifting from how to win the war in Iraq to how best to withdraw troops. Shiites and Sunnis recently renewed their request that foreign troops leave.November 23, 2005
  • Cheney blasts senators who claim Bush lied on Iraq; Pulls punches on Murtha
    Vice President Dick Cheney on Monday said he strongly disagrees with a battle-tested congressman who advocates quickly redeploying all U.S. troops from Iraq, calling such a proposal "a dangerous illusion."November 21, 2005
  • Iraq: Should we stay or should we go?
    Two opposing views on the war in Iraq: one from Vice President Dick Cheney, another from Rep. John Murtha, D-Penn.November 21, 2005
  • Is dissent off limits in wartime?
    Speaking in South Korea on Thursday, President Bush said it is "patriotic as heck to disagree with the president.. what bothers me is when people are irresponsibly using their positions and playing politics." Are there forms of dissent that are off limits in wartime?November 21, 2005
  • Sixty years after Nuremberg
    Sixty years ago Sunday, the historic trials of Nazi war criminals began in Nuremberg, Germany. They documented in grisly detail the atrocities of the the Third Reich, and are credited by historians with helping the German people reject their Nazi past.November 18, 2005
  • An assessment of the Patriot Act
    House and Senate negotiators have a tentative deal to extend the Patriot Act. The new deal would restrict some FBI subpoena powers and require more justification for getting information about citizens. But most of the existing law's provisions would become permanent. An assessment of the Patriot Act from a former member of Congress.

    12:30: An MPR report on the history of the "Floyd of Rosedale" football trophy, and how it relates to race relations in Minnesota and Iowa.November 17, 2005
  • Remembering the battle of Ia Drang
    Monday marks the 40th anniversary of the first major battle of the Vietnam War. Over the course of just 4 days and nights, 234 Americans were killed in the battle of Ia Drang.November 14, 2005
  • Sen. John McCain proposes a new Iraq strategy
    U.S. Sen. John McCain laid out his own blueprint for winning the war in Iraq during a speech Thursday at the American Enterprise Institute in Washington.November 11, 2005
  • Friends remember a fallen soldier
    As the nation honors its veterans on Friday, friends of Army specialist Ben Smith, 21, killed in Iraq last week, mourn his loss.November 10, 2005
  • Sen. John McCain headlines state military fund event
    A new effort is underway in Minnesota to help military members who've served in the Iraq war. It's called the "Minnesotans' Military Appreciation Fund," and it will give grant money for troops and their families. U.S. Sen. John McCain of Arizona is the keynote speaker at a fundraising dinner for the fund Friday evening. He told MPR's Tom Crann the fund is a pioneering effort for a worthy cause.November 10, 2005
  • Painting a war zone
    The term "embedded journalist" is a well-known phrase. But how about "embedded artist?" Steve Mumford is a New York City painter who spent 10 months chronicling life in post-war Iraq. He discussed his experiences with students at the University of Minnesota.November 9, 2005
  • 'Get Real' gets even more reels
    Five years ago, the City Pages weekly newspaper caught a cultural wave by creating a Twin Cities documentary film festival. Documentary has exploded in popularity in the years since, and this year's festival presents a selection of brand new material and rarely seen classics.November 3, 2005
  • Investigating mobsters, terrorists and a U.S. president
    Louis Freeh, who served as FBI director under President Bill Clinton, has some harsh criticism for his former boss. In his new book, "My FBI: Bringing Down the Mafia, Investigating Bill Clinton, and Fighting the War on Terror," Freeh says Clinton's "closets were full of skeletons just waiting to burst out." He also accuses Clinton of being soft on terrorism.November 3, 2005
  • Soldiers return home
    About 25 Army Reserve soldiers who'd been on active duty in Iraq for the last year returned on Monday. They received a warm welcome from family and friends when they arrived at Fort Snelling.October 31, 2005
  • At the U of M, helping soldiers move from combat to the classroom
    For veterans of the war on terrorism, coming home from combat and returning to college can be difficult. Veterans say they don't feel like they fit in on campus and that the stress of academics coupled with the challenge of transition from military to civilian life is difficult.October 30, 2005

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