
War & Conflict

  • Domestic spying and the Patriot Act
    President Bush says he has the right to order domestic spying of suspected terrorists without going through secret courts to protect the public. He also criticized senators who are holding up passage of expiring portions of the Patriot Act.December 20, 2005
  • Pawlenty gives a nod to troops, and then some
    A new "Support Our Troops" license plate allows Minnesota vehicle owners to display their patriotism while helping military families and veterans in the state.December 19, 2005
  • President comments on spying decision
    President Bush defends his decision to allow domestic spying and his policies in the Middle East. He gives what is billed as his final news conference of the year.December 19, 2005
  • Having "Breakfast on Pluto" with Neil Jordan
    Film director Neil Jordan, who made "The Crying Game" and "Michael Collins" among others, has a new film set against the troubles in Ireland. It's the story of a young cross-dresser growing up during the political violence of the 1970s.December 19, 2005
  • Minnesota man, longtime Marine, killed in Iraq
    Minnesota's latest casualty in Iraq was a man who loved the Marines, his mother said Friday. Staff Sgt. Kenneth B. Pospisil, 35, of Andover, died Wednesday when a bomb when off near Al Ramadi, the U.S. Department of Defense announced.December 16, 2005
  • Building a new Iraq
    One reporter observed corruption in Iraq's reconstruction efforts on-the-ground while embedded with U.S. troops and interviewing insurgents and aid workers.December 16, 2005
  • Polls close in Iraq
    The polls in Iraq are now closed in the country's first election for a full-term parliament. The current national assembly was only elected for a one-year term. Will today's vote prove to be a turning point in the democratization of Iraq?December 15, 2005
  • Married to the Military
    About half of all U.S. service people are married with children. This American RadioWorks documentary examines how war impacts the families left behind on the home front.December 13, 2005
  • Fallen Marine laid to rest
    Funeral services are scheduled Monday for a Minnesota Marine who died in Iraq earlier this month. Lance Cpl. Scott Modeen was one of 10 Marines -- two from Minnesota -- who were killed in an explosion during a promotion ceremony in Fallujah.December 11, 2005
  • Mideast peace and democracy: two separate goals
    Former Secretary of State Madeleine Albright says that Middle East peace and Middle East democracy are both worthy goals. She says they are both goals the U.S. should pursue, but in a conversation with former Rep. Vin Weber, R-Minn., Thursday, Albright said that peace does not necessarily grow out of democracy.December 9, 2005
  • Saddam's trial through Iraqi eyes
    Saddam Hussein's trial is now adjourned until Dec. 21, following a tumultuous series of hearings in which the ex-dictator protested loudly against what he called an "unjust court." How significant is the trial to the Iraqi people?December 8, 2005
  • Remaking Somalia
    Somalia is still struggling to emerge as a viable state after years of civil unrest and government negotiations. Current and former Somali officials talk about the difficulty of establishing a civil society.December 8, 2005
  • President Bush describes progress in Iraq
    President Bush makes his second speech in as many weeks on Iraq. Live coverage of the speech is provided by National Public Radio.December 7, 2005
  • What goes through a soldier's mind?
    Some 2,600 Minnesota Army National Guard troops are in Camp Shelby training for deployment in Iraq. What is on the minds of Minnesota's military personnel?December 6, 2005
  • Do the media ignore the good news out of Iraq?
    In a speech Monday, Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld accused the news media of exaggerating the problems in Iraq and downplaying American progress. Rumsfeld says there is a "jarring contrast between what the American people are reading and hearing about Iraq and the views of the Iraqi people." Is he right?December 6, 2005

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