
War & Conflict

  • Charlie Company comes home
    Charlie Company is home from Iraq. A couple thousand supporters welcomed back the western Minnesota National Guard unit Monday night in Morris. There was praise for the troops mixed with sorrow, because three of the company's soldiers were killed during its stay in Baghdad.December 6, 2005
  • Minnesotans prepare for war
    The Minnesota Army National Guard's First Brigade Combat Team is preparing for deployment to Iraq. Of the brigade's 4,000 soldiers, 2,600 are from Minnesota. The men and women are expected to ship out to Iraq this spring. They're going through training in southern Mississippi at Camp Shelby.December 5, 2005
  • Progress against terror: a reporter's view
    In a speech Friday to the Minnesota Women's Political Caucus, Washington Post reporter Dana Priest offered her own scorecard for America's progress in the war on terror. She also talked about the challenges she faces as woman covering the male-dominated national security beat. Priest broke the story of the CIA's secret Eastern European prisons in November.December 5, 2005
  • Have the 9/11 Commission's recommendations become reality?
    Members of the 9/11 Commission are giving the federal government lots of D's and F's for failing to implement the commission's recommendations. "We're frustrated, all of us, frustrated at the lack of urgency in addressing these various problems," said former commission chairman Thomas Kean on Monday.December 5, 2005
  • Military families seek support
    Since Thanksgiving, four Marines from the region have been killed in Iraq. Three of them died in a deadly explosion near Fallujah last Thursday. With the recent spike in deaths and the holidays approaching, it can be especially important for families of military members to find support, and they seek it in a variety of ways.December 5, 2005
  • Little Falls mourns the death of a local soldier
    Residents of the central Minnesota town of Little Falls are dealing with the death of one of their hometown sons. Cpl. Anthony McElveen, 21, was killed last Thursday by a roadside bomb in Iraq. Nine other Marines were killed in that attack, including Lance Cpl. Scott Modeen, 24, from New Hope.December 4, 2005
  • Military confirms two Minnesotans among 10 Marines killed
    The military confirmed Saturday that two Minnesotans were among 10 Marines killed and 11 injured by a roadside bomb while on a foot patrol near Fallujah.December 4, 2005
  • Europeans demand to know locations of secret prisons
    A conversation with the Washington Post reporter who broke the secret prisons story in November. Dana Priest described a CIA-run "invisible universe" of detention in Eastern Europe.December 2, 2005
  • Will Bush change course on Iraq?
    Setting a timetable for leaving Iraq is the current topic, but the question is whether the Bush administration will depart from current policy of not naming a withdrawal date.November 30, 2005
  • Bush to discuss Iraq amid calls for an exit strategy
    President Bush presents his "Plan for Victory in Iraq" at the United States Naval Academy in Annapolis, Maryland.November 30, 2005
  • President Bush defends his embattled war policy
    President Bush said Wednesday that Iraqi troops are increasingly taking the lead in battle but that "this will take time and patience." But he steadfastly refused to set a timetable for withdrawing American forces as some of his critics have demanded.November 30, 2005
  • Marine from St. Paul is 28th Minnesotan to die during Iraq war
    A Marine from St. Paul has been killed in Iraq. Master Sgt. Brett Angus was killed by a roadside bomb on Saturday. Angus, 40, joined the Marines in 1982 shortly after graduating from high school. He was on his second tour of duty in Iraq.November 29, 2005
  • St. Paul native killed in Iraq
    A Marine from St. Paul has been killed in Iraq. Master Sgt. Brett Angus was killed by a roadside bomb on Saturday. Angus, 40, joined the Marines in 1982 shortly after graduating from high school. He was on his second tour of duty in Iraq. MPR's Cathy Wurzer spoke with Angus' uncle, David Angus of St. Paul.November 29, 2005
  • Kennedy and Kline back from Iraq
    The Pentagon is tentatively considering reducing the number of troops in Iraq by as many as three brigades over the next year, according to news reports. There are currently 18 brigades on the ground. Is U.S. military strategy in Iraq proving effective?November 25, 2005
  • Minnesota soldiers celebrate Thanksgiving far from home
    About 2600 Minnesotans are celebrating Thanksgiving away from home as they prepare for deployment to Iraq. Members of the 1st Brigade Combat Team of the Minnesota National Guard are training at Camp Shelby in Mississippi. Minnesota Public Radio's Mark Zdechlik is in Mississippi with the unit, and he talked with Morning Edition host Cathy Wurzer.November 24, 2005

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