
War & Conflict

  • The art of war
    Midmorning talks with two combat artists about their work and the tradition of combat art.Midmorning, April 4, 2006
  • War reporting, then and now
    A panel discussion from a March 11 forum on the Vietnam War held at the John F. Kennedy Presidential Library and Museum.Midday, March 30, 2006
  • What have we learned from the Moussaoui trial?
    The often bizarre terrorism trial of admitted al-Qaeda conspirator Zacarias Moussaoui is in its final stage. A former U.S. attorney and a former assistant U.S. attorney discuss the case.Midday, March 30, 2006
  • Reflections on the Israeli-Palestinian present
    In the second of two programs on the Israeli-Palestinian situation, "Speaking of Faith" examines the religious and historical narratives that shape Palestinians' views of the conflict.Midday, March 27, 2006
  • Religion, history and conflict in the Middle East
    As Israel prepares for a critical election and Hamas forms a Palestinian cabinet, "Speaking of Faith" explores the difficulty of reaching resolution in a land that both sides in the conflict consider holy.Midday, March 24, 2006
  • Torture and the laws of war
    America Abroad examines what rights should be granted to potential terrorists in the post-9/11 world.Midday, March 24, 2006
  • Life after war
    How do veterans of the war in Iraq adjust when they return to civilian life?Midday, March 24, 2006
  • A soldier's story from Iraq
    Coon Rapids resident Derek Burchill has been back from Iraq for a little more than a year. He can tell the 2,600 Minnesota National Guard troops who are now leaving for Iraq what it's like there.March 24, 2006
  • Diary from Iraq
    Take a multimedia tour of Sgt. Derek Burchill's year in Iraq. Flash is required.March 23, 2006
  • Christian Carion gets his revenge
    The Christmas Truce of 1914 is a well-known story in some parts of the world. But in France, where French, British, and German troops actually laid down their arms to celebrate Christmas together, the story was buried for years. Now an Oscar-nominated film is changing that.March 23, 2006
  • Reflections on progress in Iraq
    President Bush has given a major speech and a news conference in the past two days, emphasizing the progress that has been made in Iraq in the three years since the U.S. invaded that country. But criticism remains, from many quarters, on just how well Iraqi citizens are faring.Midday, March 21, 2006
  • President confronts doubts on Iraq
    On the third anniversary of the beginning of the Iraq war, President Bush holds a news conference to discuss dwindling support for his Iraq policy. The president is also expected to talk about the nation's economy.Midmorning, March 21, 2006
  • Minnesotans reflect on three year anniversary of Iraq war
    Minnesotans share their thoughts about the continued U.S. presence in Iraq.March 20, 2006
  • Minnesota soldier continues to recover from wounds suffered in Iraq
    Jim Vandenheuvel suffered massive injuries when his Humvee was hit by a roadside bomb in February 2004.March 19, 2006
  • Mother of slain soldier is only vote against funeral anti-protest bill
    The Minnesota Senate has voted overwhelmingly in favor of a bill to make it a crime to willfully disrupt funeral services. The legislation is in response to a Kansas group's use of military funerals to gain attention for its anti-gay views.March 16, 2006

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