
War & Conflict

  • Willmar Guardsman killed in Iraq
    A National Guardsman from Willmar died in Iraq on Friday when an explosive device detonated near his convoy.June 30, 2006
  • Uncertainty at Guantanamo
    The Supreme Court's ruling on military tribunals for detainees at Guantanamo Bay leaves a slew of questions about how the U.S. deals with terror suspects. Midday looks at the next legal steps in the war on terror.Midday, June 30, 2006
  • The future of al-Qaeda
    One journalist recalls some surprising discoveries during his exclusive interview with Osama Bin Laden nearly a decade ago.Midmorning, June 30, 2006
  • Covering Iraq and Iran
    The headlines seem numbingly similar day to day: At least a dozen people were killed in Iraq Thursday, in a string of bombings and shootings. Iran still has no response to a package of incentives for ending its nuclear program. What challenges do reporters face covering Iraq and Iran?Midday, June 29, 2006
  • New crisis in Gaza
    Fatah and Hamas officials have agreed on a plan that recognizes Israel's right to exist, but violence in Gaza continues.Midmorning, June 28, 2006
  • The fate of Gitmo
    An anticipated Supreme Court opinion could force President Bush's hand, as he decides what to do about the detention camps at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba.Midmorning, June 27, 2006
  • National Guard surgeon practices combat medicine in Iraq
    Col. Basil Leblanc, a surgeon with the Minnesota National Guard, recently returned from a three-month mission in Iraq. LeBlanc was responsible for medical operations at several military bases serving more than 5,000 troops. He talked with MPR's Cathy Wurzer.June 26, 2006
  • The power of the Pentagon
    Journalist and author James Carroll thinks the U.S. military is out of control -- even the control of the president. Carroll voiced the concerns outlined in his new book, "House of War," at a June 12 panel discussion at the Kennedy Library in Boston.Midday, June 21, 2006
  • America in the world
    President Bush visits Austria and Hungary Wednesday, discussing global security threats and international concerns over American foreign policy with European leaders. How will Bush address issues surrounding Iran, North Korea, human rights and the war on terrorism?Midday, June 21, 2006
  • One refugee at a time
    Twenty-one million people around the globe can't return to their homes because they fear violence or persecution. All Things Considered host Tom Crann talks with three Minnesotans who try to help.June 20, 2006
  • Justice report critical of Rowley, others in Moussaoui probe
    Coleen Rowley, the former FBI whistleblower who urged the agency to probe terrorism suspect Zacarias Moussaoui in the weeks before the Sept. 11 attacks, was criticized Monday in a government report for her own role in the case.June 19, 2006
  • National Guard member from Morton killed in Iraq
    A National Guard member from Morton was killed in Iraq when an explosive device detonated near his military vehicle, the Minnesota National Guard announced Sunday. Spc. Brent W. Koch, 22, died Friday, and two other Minnesota soldiers were injured in the explosion.June 19, 2006
  • Sen. Coleman reacts to al-Qaida leader's death
    World leaders and military officals are reacting to the news that al-Qaida's leader in Iraq, Abu Musab al-Zarqawi was killed in a U.S. air raid Wednesday night. President Bush called al-Zarqawi's death "a severe blow to al-Qaida and a significant victory in the war on terror." U.S. Sen. Norm Coleman reacted much the same, in an interview with MPR's Cathy Wurzer.June 8, 2006
  • The Vietnam "lying machine"
    Pulitzer Prize-winning war reporter David Halberstam explains the challenges he faced covering the Vietnam War in the face of "a government lying machine."Midday, June 7, 2006
  • Vietnam and the presidency
    Vietnam tested four American presidents. It took the lives of more than 58,000 Americans and more than one million Vietnamese. American RadioWorks produced a documentary on a historic conference, "Vietnam and the Presidency," held March 2006 in Boston.Midday, June 6, 2006

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