
War & Conflict

  • Rep. John Kline's son on his way to Iraq
    As hundreds of Minnesota National Guard troops left this weekend for eventual deployment to Iraq, U.S. Rep. John Kline saw his son go overseas as well. Kline, R-Minn., said his son, Army Major J. Daniel Kline, is on his way to Iraq as part of the 101st Airborne Division. Kline spoke with MPR's Cathy Wurzer.September 19, 2005
  • The lessons of September 11
    He had to answer the question: what is a life worth? The man in charge of the effort to compensate the families of those who died in the terrorist attacks on September 11 talks about the lessons learned.September 8, 2005
  • The making of a constitution
    Iraqi lawmakers are still struggling to draft a new constitution for their country. What are the challenges of creating a legal framework for a government? What kinds of issues are modern-day constitutions tackling? And how do the world's newest constitutions compare to the centuries-old U.S. Constitution?August 30, 2005
  • Does technology win wars?
    The U.S. military has everything from radar imaging to unmanned aerial vehicles. Yet the Pentagon is still struggling to replace body armor that has failed to protect American troops from lethal attacks by insurgents. What does it take to prevail in today's conflicts? And if high-priced technology doesn't win wars, is it worth the cost to the country?August 26, 2005
  • Israeli soldiers to Gaza settlers: Time's up
    Any Israeli Jews still left in the Gaza Strip now face forcible eviction from their settlements. Settlers had until midnight Tuesday to move on their own. What does the Gaza pullout mean for the Middle East peace process?August 17, 2005
  • Letters from war
    A historian gathers letters from the fronts of the Revolutionary War through World War II in a new book.August 17, 2005
  • State Sen. Becky Lourey to join Sheehan vigil near Bush's home
    State Sen. Becky Lourey, DFL-Kerrick, whose son Matt was killed in Iraq earlier this year, is going to Crawford, Texas to join Cindy Sheehan's protest outside President Bush's ranch. Sheehan, whose son Casey also died in Iraq, has been leading a vigil for the past 11 days. She is asking to speak with President Bush about her son's death. Sen. Lourey says she decided to join Sheehan's vigil during a public appearance over the weekend.August 17, 2005
  • National Guard prepares for largest deployment since WWII
    About 2,600 Minnesota National Guard members are preparing to be deployed to the Middle East. The action, announced Tuesday by Gov. Pawlenty and Guard officials, is the largest overseas deployment of Minnesota National Guard soldiers since World War II.August 16, 2005
  • Iraqi constitutional negotiators get one-week extension
    The deadline came and went on Monday, and Iraqi leaders failed to settle on a constitution. Parliament voted to give them another week to settle differences over women's rights, the role of Islam and how much autonomy to grant the country's regional governments. Why is it so difficult for Iraqi factions to reach agreement?August 16, 2005
  • Pullout begins from Gaza
    Israeli soldiers are issuing eviction notices. Some Jewish settlers are resisting the process of returing the Gaza Strip to Palestinians. While hailing the evictions as a promising step, some are skeptical of the political ability of either side to maintain peace.August 15, 2005
  • Minnesota's World War II vets honored with new memorial
    State officials and veterans groups broke ground at the Capitol Sunday for a World War II veterans memorial. Many veterans say the memorial is long overdue, to honor the more than 300,000 Minnesotans who served in World War II.August 12, 2005
  • Memories of World War II
    We commemorate the 60th anniversary of the end of World War II with stories from a variety of viewpoints, including a program from radio dramatist Norman Corwin. We also hear remarks by Tom Brokaw, author of "The Greatest Generation," and World War II recollections from two former Minnesota governors, Orville Freeman and Harold Stassen.August 12, 2005
  • Minnesota's Greatest Generation
    Celebrations this weekend will mark the 60th anniversary of the end of World War II. Events are planned in Minnesota as well. In conjunction with the anniversary, the Minnesota Historical Society is launching "Minnesota's Greatest Generation," a project designed to collect and preserve the stories of Minnesotans who fought in the war, or lived through the era at home.August 12, 2005
  • Reflections on race from a World War II veteran
    The Minnesota Historical Society is observing the 60th anniversary of the end of World War II this weekend. One event features music by World War II veteran Charles Beasley and his big band. Beasley was an Army musician during the war, in an all-black unit. The anniversary gives Beasley a chance to reflect on race relations in this country.August 12, 2005
  • Winona native killed in Iraq
    A Winona native died after being injured in a suicide bombing in Baghdad, his brother said Thursday. Army Sgt. 1st Class Michael Benson, 40, was injured on Aug. 2 when his Humvee was struck by a bomb. He died Wednesday in a military hospital.August 11, 2005

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