Minnesota Legislature: Minnesota's Budget Crisis

The chairs of the Taxes Committees in the Minnesota House and Senate join Midday to discuss the top tax issues of the session: property tax, sales tax, and the tax bills making their way through the state Legislature. (Midday, 03/28/2008)
Democrats in the Minnesota House are proposing a budget fix that relies heavily on the state's rainy day funds. (03/25/2008)
The city of Bemidji and Bemidji State University are asking the state to help pay for a regional events center and hockey arena. BSU officials say the future of the university's hockey program rides on a successful outcome. (03/18/2008)
Gov. Tim Pawlenty is contemplating extra aid for the worst-hurt bridge collapse victims. The governor said some extra money could be set aside for a small number of "extraordinary cases" whose needs wouldn't be met under the $400,000 cap. (03/17/2008)
A Minnesota House committee on Monday heard a request to give the state's Sesquicentennial Commission money to help pay for the state's 150th birthday celebration. (03/17/2008)
A legislative committee will discuss Monday whether to give more taxpayer money to the state's sesquicentennial commission. (03/17/2008)
Former Gov. Arne Carlson returned to the state Capitol Thursday to offer some budget advice to legislators. (03/13/2008)
A plan to compensate victims of the 35W bridge collapse is on its way to the Minnesota Senate floor for a vote. (03/10/2008)
DFL lawmakers are giving Gov. Pawlenty's budget proposal a thumbs down. (03/10/2008)
The Minnesota House passed a nearly $1 billion bonding bill Thursday. Critics say it's too expensive and worked to strip some projects from the bill, including money for gorillas at the Como Zoo. (03/06/2008)
Democrats in the Minnesota House are proposing a bonding plan that includes much more funding building projects at state colleges and universities than Gov. Tim Pawlenty's plan. (03/03/2008)
Efforts to create a state park at Lake Vermilion in northern Minnesota face more hurdles amid a sagging economic forecast and differing opinions about how the state should purchase the land. (03/02/2008)
Thursday's report that state government is facing tough times is a result of many Minnesotans also facing tough times. MPR's Tom Weber traces the connection between consumers and the state's budget. (02/28/2008)
The state's new budget forecast numbers are based on economic expectations that could easily fail to pan out -- and could lead to even more dire conditions. (02/28/2008)
Now that the gas tax is going up, how will Minnesota compare with bordering states, and will the state lose business in border communities? (02/26/2008)

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