Minnesota Legislature: Minnesota's Budget Crisis

The progressive think tank Minnesota 2020 has released a new study showing that fees for state services have risen sharply, while tax revenue has fallen. (01/05/2009)
Minnesota lawmakers say the state's poor financial health will make their work especially challenging over the coming months. (01/05/2009)
There's no question cities around Minnesota are tightening their belts in response to the state's multi-billion dollar budget deficit. The question is how to adjust their budgets with as little impact to the services they offer residents as possible. (01/02/2009)
Minnesotans have offered hundreds of ideas to lawmakers on a Web site the House set up to help solve the state's budget deficit. (12/31/2008)
2008 was an expensive year for many Americans. And for some people that made it even more challenging to pay for their health care. (12/31/2008)
As lawmakers return to the Capitol next week to face a massive budget deficit, two new reports make the case for more education funding. (12/30/2008)
With Minnesota and other states projecting big deficits, the courts can also expect deep cuts. While Minnesota's court funding situation is one of the worst in the U.S., it is by no means the only one struggling. (12/30/2008)
Minnesota cities, counties and school districts could be getting a holiday next year from some state-imposed spending requirements. (12/29/2008)
School enrollment keeps falling in Minnesota, and with it schools will have to do with fewer dollars from the state. (12/26/2008)
Gov. Tim Pawlenty's budget cuts protected K-12 education, but Minnesota's higher education system took a big hit. (12/19/2008)
Governor Tim Pawlenty says he will reduce state aid payments to cities and counties by $110 million to help solve a short-term budget problem. Pawlenty outlined a plan Friday to cut $271 million in state spending and empty the budget reserve of $155 million. (12/19/2008)
As Governor Pawlenty outlines his priorities for budget cuts to make up a short-term $426 million budget shortfall, legislative leaders fine-tune their own approaches to the budget crisis. (Midday, 12/19/2008)
Governor Tim Pawlenty will announce on Friday his plan for solving a $426 million deficit in the current state budget. (12/18/2008)
Schools aren't waiting for possible cuts from the state to slash their own budgets. (12/18/2008)
Duluth continues to struggle with budget problems, and now the public housing for the polar bear, primates and other critters at the city zoo may be at risk. (12/15/2008)

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