Minnesota Legislature: Minnesota's Budget Crisis

Gov. Pawlenty is scheduled to release his revised budget plan this afternoon to address the state's projected $4.6 billion deficit. While he insists he won't approve a tax increase, the budget forecast assumes that local governments will raise property taxes. (03/17/2009)
A new revenue plan is on the table at the State Capitol. The chair of the House Taxes Committee introduced a wide-ranging bill today that would raise some taxes and cut others. (03/16/2009)
A citizens' group today approved a list of projects to fund with new sales tax money earmarked for environmental projects. (03/16/2009)
The Minnesota Senate voted Monday to put $329 million on the state's credit card to fix up college buildings, renovate St. Paul's Como Zoo and expand the St. Cloud Civic Center. (03/16/2009)
Senate DFLers are proposing nearly $1 billion in cuts to public education funding as part of their budget deficit reduction plan. (03/12/2009)
With the state facing a $4.6 billion budget deficit, officials say it's inevitable that cities and counties will see some cuts in funding. In exchange, local officials want fewer mandates from the state telling them what they need to do. (03/11/2009)
Gov. Tim Pawlenty has repeatedly urged public employees at all levels of government to accept a salary freeze as a way to avoid layoffs. But union leaders say that's an unrealistic promise. (03/11/2009)
A key Minnesota Senate panel has voted to undo a property tax relief plan, a cap on local property tax levies, that helped seal last year's budget deal. (03/10/2009)
A bill introduced today would expand the state sales tax to clothing. And a new report on the state's tax system is expected to add fuel to the idea of raising taxes as part of budget fix. (03/09/2009)
Federal stimulus money may help take the sting away from the loss of state money. The mayors of St. Paul and Minneapolis talk about balancing budgets and dealing with a flagging economy. (Midmorning, 03/09/2009)
In just a couple of decades, nearly 30 percent of the population in some Minnesota counties will be people over 65. Local officials worry about how to reach out to a rural, sometimes isolated population. (03/05/2009)
State finance officials say Minnesota is facing a $4.6 billion budget deficit in fiscal years 2010 and 2011. Former Republican Gov. Arne Carlson joins Gary Eichten in studio to discuss the deficit and its impact on funding priorities. (Midday, 03/04/2009)
Minnesota is facing a $4.5 billion budget deficit in fiscal years 2010 and 2011. Now, two key players in the budget debate are publicly disagreeing on funding for K-12 education, the largest area of state spending. (03/04/2009)
We continue our look at the impact of the state's budget shortfall through the eyes of individual communities. This time, we visit Fergus Falls. (03/04/2009)
While politicians wrangled today over how to address the projected shortfall in the next biennium, the state economist laid out the grim reasons behind the budget problems. Some observers say even his gloomy outlook might be too sunny. (03/03/2009)

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