Minnesota Legislature: Minnesota's Budget Crisis

The Legislature adjourned shortly after midnight without reaching a budget deal with Republican Gov. Tim Pawlenty, who is expected to cut state spending using unprecedented measures. (05/19/2009)
Gov. Tim Pawlenty and legislative leaders say they're still trying to find a compromise for erasing the state's $4.6 billion budget deficit, but the clock is quickly running out. A closed-door meeting today produced no breakthrough agreement. (05/18/2009)
Minnesota's safety net hospitals are sifting through their options after Gov. Pawlenty eliminated public insurance coverage for up to 35,000 of the state's poorest adults in order to balance the budget. (05/18/2009)
If Gov. Pawlenty balances Minnesota's budget deficit by making cuts on his own, it's likely higher education funding could take a hit. The governor says he could slash as much as $190 million from the budgets of the state's colleges over the next two years. If those cuts go through, Minnesota college officials say they'll need to raise tuition significantly. (05/18/2009)
Governor Pawlenty says through a spokesman that he will veto the latest tax bill sent to him by the Legislature. The governor will make cuts on his own. Two legislators on either side of the aisle talk about the continuing revenue gap and the best ways to close it. (Midmorning, 05/18/2009)
On the last day of the legislative session, it doesn't appear DFL legislative leaders and Gov. Pawlenty are going to reach agreement on a two year budget. (05/18/2009)
Gov. Tim Pawlenty and DFL legislative leaders went back to the bargaining table on Saturday but the two sides are no closer to a compromise. (05/16/2009)
Gov. Pawlenty line-item vetoed $383 million from the Health and Human Services and Economic Development budget bills. Pawlenty took the action last night, just hours after he said he would not call lawmakers back for a special session. (05/15/2009)
Gov. Tim Pawlenty promised Thursday to bring Minnesota's deficit-ridden budget back into balance on his own if the session ends Monday without an accord, using line-item vetoes and executive powers to shave billions in spending. (05/14/2009)
The House and Senate voted to spend nearly $14 billion on K-12 education for the next two years, essentially holding state funding flat during that time. The chairs of the Senate and House education committees join Midday to discuss the bill. (Midday, 05/14/2009)
The Minnesota House passed legislation to keep state government running at current base funding levels if an agreement isn't reached on a new two-year budget. (05/13/2009)
There's still no overall budget agreement at the Capitol, but Democrats in the Minnesota House and Senate say they still plan to pass all their remaining budget bills by Wednesday night, and send them to Gov. Tim Pawlenty. (05/12/2009)
Democrats in the Minnesota House and Senate say they hope to pass the rest of their budget related bills as early as today. With six days to go before the constitutional deadline for the Legislature to finish its work, state lawmakers and Gov. Tim Pawlenty still haven't reached an overall agreement on how to erase a $4.6 billion budget deficit. (05/12/2009)
The final week of the Legislative session is underway with no agreement in sight for erasing the state's $4.6 billion budget deficit. But Gov. Tim Pawlenty tried to kick start the negotiations today by partially pulling back on one of his key budget provisions, and agreeing to two others offered by Democrats. (05/11/2009)
State lawmakers have just one week left to reach a budget agreement and erase a $4.6 billion deficit. (05/11/2009)

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