Minnesota Legislature: Minnesota's Budget Crisis

Gov. Tim Pawlenty says he will appeal a judge's ruling that he overstepped his authority by unilaterally cutting the budget last spring. (12/31/2009)
A Minnesota judge has ordered the state to reinstate money for a food program that Gov. Tim Pawlenty cut from the budget, saying he acted unconstitutionally. (12/30/2009)
Minnesota finance officials say they are borrowing more extensively from one state higher education system, and will pay another system late, to keep the state budget from going into the red. (12/14/2009)
Two Minnesota mayors are urging Gov. Tim Pawlenty to call a special session this month to address the state's $1.2 billion budget deficit. (12/04/2009)
State finance officials say the state is facing a projected $1.2 billion budget shortfall for the current two-year budget cycle. (12/02/2009)
State finance officials will detail on Wednesday how much money trouble lies ahead for Minnesota's state budget, when they release a comprehensive economic forecast. (12/01/2009)
A Minnesota Public Radio News analysis finds that more than one-third of the school districts in the state have been forced to borrow to pay their bills. Many more districts are borrowing this year because of Gov. Tim Pawlenty's budget action. (11/23/2009)
Gov. Tim Pawlenty says he expects a new economic forecast coming next week will show a hole in the current two-year budget. (11/23/2009)
Lawyers for the Minnesota House spell out in a 34-page brief why they believe Gov. Tim Pawlenty misused a state law to enact budget cuts without legislative consent. (11/20/2009)
A Minnesota judge is weighing whether to temporarily reverse budget cuts made by Gov. Tim Pawlenty at the request of those who say he exceeded his authority. (11/16/2009)
Minnesota's top finance official says the state may have to do some short-term borrowing to manage cash flow needs, something that hasn't happened since the early 1980s. (11/12/2009)
Gov. Tim Pawlenty on Thursday called for an amendment to the state Constitution that would cap state spending at an amount equal to what is raised by revenue. (11/05/2009)
Gov. Tim Pawlenty says he thinks he's within his legal authority to balance the state's two-year budget on his own through a process known as unallotment. (10/30/2009)
The state budget department says tax collections fell short of projections in the last quarter. (10/12/2009)
The decision, which goes into effect on Jan. 1, 2010, means that people who live in one state but work in the other will have to file tax returns in both Minnesota and Wisconsin. (09/18/2009)

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