Minnesota Legislature: Minnesota's Budget Crisis

Gov. Tim Pawlenty on Monday cut the size of a construction projects bill by $313 million, telling the DFL-controlled Legislature he was "deeply disappointed" leaders hadn't heeded his warnings to pare it down. (03/15/2010)
A case that could have a big impact on the state's budget situation is now in the hands of the Minnesota Supreme Court. (03/15/2010)
How the Minnesota Supreme court rules on the budget unallotment question hangs over current budget wrangling. A look at what's at stake in the upcoming ruling and analysis of today's arguments. (Midmorning, 03/15/2010)
Gov. Tim Pawlenty's use of unallotment burnished his fiscal conservative credentials, but also sparked litigation that goes before the Minnesota Supreme Court on Monday. (03/14/2010)
Republicans in the Minnesota House are privately urging Gov. Tim Pawlenty to be extra aggressive when he cuts down a $1 billion bonding bill through line item vetoes. (03/12/2010)
The Minnesota House has passed a revamped $1 billion bonding bill that Gov. Tim Pawlenty is ready to trim and sign. (03/11/2010)
After a standoff that has lasted weeks, Minnesota lawmakers are ready to send Gov. Tim Pawlenty a sizable construction projects bill. (03/11/2010)
Gov. Tim Pawlenty has often used interagency agreements to pay some senior policy advisers. DFL leaders say he's gone too far, and they're proposing deep cuts in the governor's office budget. (03/11/2010)
Midmorning continues its series about the Minnesota budget shortfall with lawmakers who are running for governor. We will ask Representatives Tom Emmer and Paul Thissen where they stand on governor Pawlenty's budget priorities. (Midmorning, 03/11/2010)
Gov. Tim Pawlenty is withdrawing his threat to reject a $1 billion construction projects bill, saying he can work with the current proposal from House-Senate negotiators. (03/10/2010)
Democrats in the Minnesota Legislature are moving forward with a nearly $1 billion public works bill. (03/10/2010)
Lawmakers are debating a $1 billion public works borrowing bill which includes money for expansion of the Moose Lake sex offender treatment facility, which is one of Gov. Pawlenty's priorities. Some critics say the governor is proposing a "Cadillac plan" for the facility. (03/09/2010)
DFL legislative leaders say they expect to vote this week on a revamped bonding bill. (03/08/2010)
Legislative Democrats are moving ahead with a $986 million construction bill next week even though they don't have a deal with Republican Gov. Tim Pawlenty. (03/04/2010)
Finance officials are projecting Minnesota will have a $5.8 billion budget deficit in the next two-year budget cycle. Factor in inflation and the problem grows to nearly $7 billion. (03/03/2010)

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