Minnesota Legislature: Minnesota's Budget Crisis

Gov. Tim Pawlenty has been saying he wants to change the way government operates -- not only at the State Capitol, but inside city halls and county board rooms as well. (01/22/2009)
In November, voters approved a new sales tax which will pump tens of millions of dollars into arts and cultural groups. Some arts advocates worry the prospect of new money will prompt legislators to cut other arts funding. (01/21/2009)
Residents in White Bear Lake enjoy a high quality of life -- and an unusual preoccupation with polar bears. The first part in our series, "The State Budget in Your Backyard," explores the town. (01/20/2009)
Gov. Tim Pawlenty specifically focused on tuition at insitutions of higher education in part of his State of the State speech yesterday, proposing a firm cap on tuition increases. University officials are concerned about that idea. (01/16/2009)
Gov. Tim Pawlenty says he wants significant reductions in government spending, including a two-year wage freeze for state employees, to help solve a projected $4.8 billion budget deficit. (01/15/2009)
Minnesota's chief justice has detailed a list of consequences that would result if the court system has to cut 10 percent of its budget. Governor Pawlenty has asked all state department to detail how they would cut their spending by 10 percent as the state faces a $4.8 billion shortfall over the next two years. (01/14/2009)
With the state treasury facing projected $4.8 billion budget deficit, lawmakers must decide whether to make up some of that gap with additional revenue. (Midday, 01/14/2009)
The governors of Minnesota and Wisconsin hope to save money by jointly purchasing products and services and by sharing specialized equipment. (01/13/2009)
Across Minnesota, mayors and city council members are scrambling to find ways to cut their budgets. (01/13/2009)
A new report says Minnesota will face long-term budget problems as the population ages. A special budget commission is calling for fiscal discipline to smooth out boom-and-bust budget cycles. (01/12/2009)
DFL leaders in the Minnesota House and Senate will highlight one of their priority proposals of the 2009 session Monday: a plan for creating jobs and boosting the state economy. (01/11/2009)
Minutes after the opening gavel, Senate Republicans proposed trimming travel and cutting their postage budgets by 56,000 dollars. (01/07/2009)
While most every area of state government faces trims, bridge and road funding can't be touched. (01/07/2009)
Minnesota lawmakers returned to St. Paul today facing a historic budget deficit. (01/06/2009)
The size of the Minnesota budget deficit means even schools might not be 'off-limits' to cuts. (01/06/2009)

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