Minnesota Legislature: Minnesota's Budget Crisis

The health and human services budget accounts for more than a quarter of the state's general fund spending. With the projected $5.2 billion state budget deficit, it is very likely that state-sponsored health care programs will be one of the first areas lawmakers review as they try to close the budget gap. (12/04/2008)
Today the Minnesota state goverment announced that we are facing a $5.2 billion budget deficit over the next 2 1/2 years. Minnsota State Economist Tom Stinson says the recovery will not come easily. (12/04/2008)
Minnesota is facing a projected budget deficit of more than $5.27 billion over the next two and a half years. Gov. Pawlenty is again ruling out tax increases as a way to close the gap. We're updating the story throughout the day. (12/04/2008)
As state finance officials announce the size of the looming budget deficit, lawmakers are already considering deep spending cuts and tax increases. (Midday, 12/04/2008)
Minnesota finance officials announce Thursday the size of the deficit they see looming on the state budget horizon. Recent predictions say the shortfall could surpass $4 billion, and lawmakers will need to consider deep spending cuts and tax increases. (12/03/2008)
State government leaders are facing a budget double-whammy. Spending cuts may have to come sooner than expected because of a shortfall in the current two-year state budget, in addition to an expected multi-billion dollar deficit for the next biennium. (Midday, 12/03/2008)
Gov. Tim Pawlenty says Minnesota is facing a deficit in the current budget as well as in the next two-year cycle. (12/02/2008)
President-elect Barack Obama pledged quick work Tuesday on an economic recovery plan to include tax cuts and increased federal spending, and told the nation's governors he wants their advice in designing it. (12/02/2008)
Minnesota lawmakers will consider major changes in state tax policy next year as they try to solve a multi-billion dollar budget deficit. (12/01/2008)
A monthly revenue update from state budget officials shows that individual income taxes, corporate taxes and sales taxes were all lower than projected. (11/11/2008)
Many public defenders work side jobs because their salaries aren't high enough to pay off law school debt. (11/09/2008)
A new state estimate of quarterly revenue shows the state brought in slightly more money than expected. (10/10/2008)
Gov. Tim Pawlenty says a state economic update scheduled for release tomorrow will be an improvement over the $1 billion shortfall that was predicted in February. (07/10/2008)
At the end of this year's legislative session, Minnesota cities were happy when they were told they'd get a big increase in local government aid. Now, some cities are surprised to learn they won't be getting the state aid dollars they expected. (06/23/2008)
The Legislature has passed a measure to hold down property taxes, but some worry the cap will come at the expense of local control, road maintenance and health care programs. (05/19/2008)

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