Minnesota Legislature: Minnesota's Budget Crisis

The Minnesota House approved a tax bill Friday that would help ease property taxes statewide, while increasing income taxes for the state's highest earners. (04/27/2007)
The bill increases taxes on Minnesota's highest earners and uses the money to give homeowners a property tax break. The governor has made no secret of his plans to veto a tax increase. (04/23/2007)
Members of the Minnesota House Taxes Committee are set to take up the tax bill, and conference committees will meet in the House and Senate to discuss spending bills. Meanwhile, Gov. Pawlenty is threatening to use his veto power. (04/23/2007)
The fight over the state budget is taking center stage in the Minnesota House. (04/18/2007)
A bill would provide additional support for veterans, including suicide prevention and counseling. It would also provide scholarships for the children and spouses of those killed or disabled in action. (04/17/2007)
Republican Gov. Tim Pawlenty said Thursday a bill raising the gas tax to pay for road construction would face a certain veto. (04/12/2007)
State lawmakers return to the Capitol after a long Passover/Easter break. The DFL-controlled House is set to start taking up budget bills this week, bills that are already the target of veto threats by Gov. Tim Pawlenty. (04/10/2007)
Two former Minnesota politicians will be Gary Eichten's guests to offer some perspective on the divergent views that are clashing at the state capitol between the Republican governor and the DFL Legislature. (Midday, 04/06/2007)
DFLers, who control both houses of the Legislature, say 'yes.' Many Republicans, like Gov. Tim Pawlenty and the minority leaders in the House and Senate, say 'no.' Will they be able to agree on a budget? (Midday, 04/04/2007)
Tax talk has captivated the Minnesota Capitol in recent weeks. House and Senate DFLers want to raise income taxes. Gov. Tim Pawlenty says he'll veto any tax increase. But there's another way Minnesotans could get hit in the wallet by state government -- fees. (04/04/2007)
Lines are being drawn at the Minnesota Capitol over proposed increases in taxes on gas and income and spending on transportation and education. Republican Gov. Tim Pawlenty argues that raising taxes will hurt the state's economy. DFlers counter that the economy will benefit from more public investment. Who's right? (Midday, 04/03/2007)
Legislators reached their spring break Monday. They and Pawlenty have seven weeks to complete their work and avoid an overtime session that spills into summer. The three previous state budgets required extra time - and agony - to pass. (04/02/2007)
The Minnesota Legislature begins its spring recess Monday afternoon. Where do things stand on education, taxes, transportation, health care and other major issues? (Midday, 04/02/2007)
With proposed plans to increase income taxes in the works, lawmakers are gearing up to leave their offices at the Capitol and head home for Passover/Easter break. This is usually a time when constituents have a chance to talk with the elected officials, and lawmakers have plenty to talk about this year. (04/02/2007)
The Minnesota Senate approved what would be the nation's highest tax bracket for upper income levels on Saturday, but the legislation has little chance of becoming law. (03/31/2007)

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